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31 <br /> Ms. Hemminger reflected on effective Assembly of Governments meetings in the past as those <br /> when we had some shared topics we all wanted to discuss such as economic development, the <br /> need to change EMS response times and strategies and co-locating EMS and Fire together. She <br /> identified animal control as a topic of shared interest that hasn't been discussed previously in <br /> that format. <br /> Prioritizing topics for discussion <br /> Work Group members identified the following topics prior to the meeting: <br /> 1. Economic Development <br /> • UNC start-ups <br /> 2. Transit &Transportation <br /> • Voting structure and Orange County Transit Plan <br /> 3. Climate Action Plan, Committee &Tax <br /> - Materials Recycling Program <br /> 4. Affordable Housing <br /> • Update on Town's efforts (2200 Homestead, Public Housing) <br /> • Partnership Opportunities? <br /> • Residential Development & Gentrification <br /> 5. Greene Tract <br /> • Next Steps, Resolutions and MOU <br /> • What does Partnership look like to the Town? <br /> • Governance Document <br /> 6. 2020 Census <br /> 7. Library Funding <br /> Informational Updates: Mobil Parks, Wegmans, BRT <br /> Ms. Chotas asked if there were other items to add to the list and Ms. Hemminger added the <br /> possibility of a 611/non-emergency number in addition to 911 so people can call in for non- <br /> emergencies to get more information. <br /> Ms. Chotas asked the group to consider what's most important and what's urgent about the <br /> items on the list to prioritize discussion topics and make the best of the small group space and <br /> time. The Work Group decided to sort the agenda into items that would require shorter <br /> discussion time, those that would be more involved and quick discussions for next steps: <br /> Shorter discussion items: Longer discussion item: Quick discussions for <br /> - Transit and transportation Greene Tract next steps: <br /> - 2020 Census - Climate Action Plan <br /> - Library funding - Consider 611 <br /> - Economic development <br /> - Affordable housing <br /> Chapel Hill Work Group Minutes, October 2019, Page 4 <br />