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29 <br /> - Judy Johnson said she hoped to have actionable items with clear direction. <br /> - Maurice Jones said his biggest hope is to continue to look for partnership opportunities <br /> with Chapel Hill and Orange County and have open lines of communication on <br /> important issues affecting residents. <br /> - Pam Hemminger noted her hope is to find those pathways forward where we can <br /> collaborate. She emphasized how helpful it is to know parameters of collaboration— <br /> including where the county is interested and wants to do, as well as what the county <br /> can't do. <br /> Jess Anderson hoped ideas and opportunities for collaboration come up and helpful <br /> next steps are identified. She said she would love to come away with a procedure to <br /> bring information back to respective boards and to the community. <br /> Renee Price said her hope is to be able to work together. Chapel Hill is such a major <br /> force in the county, it is critical to do as much as we can together and be able to <br /> leverage more opportunities for prosperity. <br /> Bonnie Hamersley said her hope is the same for all the work groups: to have open lines <br /> of communication and be able to bring information back to staff from the meetings to <br /> provide direction. <br /> Penny Rich said she hoped we find we can come to some sort of conclusions and have <br /> next steps. <br /> Reviewing the goals of the meeting <br /> Ms. Chotas walked through the goals of the meeting and asked if there were any questions. Ms. <br /> Hemminger asked if by prioritizing the agenda items that meant we wouldn't get to all of the <br /> items. Ms. Chotas responded the decision about what to discuss would be made as a group. She <br /> recommended making sure the most important and the most urgent items are addressed first <br /> in the depth needed. <br /> Articulating the vision for collaboration <br /> Participants identified the following aspects of the kind of collaboration they would like to see in <br /> the Work Group: <br /> - Ms. Rich noted sharing information and goals. <br /> - Ms. Hemminger added sharing where we are in relationship to our goals, recognizing <br /> timelines might be different. <br /> - Mr. Jones added, when appropriate, understanding what barriers to collaboration have <br /> been in the past. <br /> - Ms. Hammersley added identifying what we can collaborate on — not all topics require <br /> collaboration. <br /> - Ms. Price noted if we can't actually collaborate, see how we can support one another <br /> and share the same narrative when possible. <br /> - Ms. Hemminger observed we represent constituencies, not just ourselves. Ms. Rich <br /> added if you are representing your opinion, say that; if you are representing your board, <br /> say that. <br /> Chapel Hill Work Group Minutes, October 2019, Page 2 <br />