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27 <br /> 3. The town will look at water bills for PFAP and Mr. Peterson will follow up with the <br /> county. <br /> 4. The town and the county will have a conversation after steps 1-3 to determine what to <br /> do next. If anything is to be included in a capital investment plan, the county needs to <br /> know before April 2020. <br /> Sidewalk/connectivity to schools and areas outside town limits <br /> 5. Ms. Hammersley will keep Mr. Peterson informed about the connectivity feasibility <br /> study and when the RFP is released. <br /> 6. Public information officers will work together to develop joint responses for relevant <br /> steps along the process with the feasibility study (eg., when the RFP is released, study <br /> completed). The county and town will co-post communications. <br /> Event management <br /> 7. Ms. Hammersley will talk with relevant department directors about opportunities to <br /> streamline the event management coordination and notification process. <br /> Other <br /> 8. Next time the Work Group meets, discuss the Museum in context of the jail site and <br /> Downtown. <br /> Evaluating the session <br /> The facilitator asked participants to reflect on what worked well about this session and what <br /> they would like to see changed for the next one. A confidential electronic evaluation was also <br /> distributed. <br /> What worked well? What to consider changing? <br /> Talking through prioritized confidential, We'll have to see if the detailed minutes and 7 <br /> complex issues. reporting them out is sufficient in terms of <br /> information items or if there's a need to <br /> Having clear next steps. Probably have more develop a quick report out for the larger <br /> clarity than if we had two full boards. boards on updates. <br /> Identifying specific projects to address. <br /> Quickly prioritizing topics. <br /> Hillsborough Work Group, October 2019, Page 10 <br />