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26 <br /> serving too much alcohol and not being family friendly. Law enforcement want to see strict <br /> beer gardens with double fencing so a beer can't be passed out. Staff needs to work through <br /> the finer points and hoped elected officials would make a push that it needs to happen. <br /> Ms. Hammersley reiterated she will talk with department heads as a next step about <br /> streamlining the process of notification. She said she has to sign off on any event that serves <br /> alcohol, but she's not policing them. <br /> Ms. Hauth said event organizers are saying if you want these events that bring money into our <br /> community, lighten up because attendees want to be able to wander around the Courthouse <br /> with a glass of wine. Mr. Stevens added, speaking for the board, they are divided on this topic <br /> and the community is divided on it. <br /> Ms. Hammersley said she didn't remember signing for alcohol at Courthouse events. Ms. Hauth <br /> noticed some alcohol service seems to happen spontaneously. <br /> Ms. Hammersley closed out the topic by saying the most important thing is all notifying each <br /> other and if there's a problem to bring it to her attention. <br /> Updates <br /> Participants shared brief updates on the following topics. <br /> Collins Ridge Ms. Hauth said they were hoping to deliver lots to the builder in <br /> August, but the weather and other issues have made it so they're not <br /> ready and there isn't a revised date, noting the utilities aren't in the <br /> ground. <br /> Jail Ms. Hammersley reported it is under construction, with a <br /> groundbreaking to occur later this month. In next 6-12 months, will <br /> need to talk about the current jail site. <br /> South Churton Street Mr. Stevens said Ms. Hauth and the planning staff have done a good <br /> expansion job giving the board updates on what the project really looks like which <br /> is different from what community envisioned 15 years ago. The town is <br /> doing a deep dive on the issue now and will communicate as they move <br /> along. He noted it is surprising how little it will benefit the town, given <br /> the costs of the project. <br /> Identifying next steps <br /> Participants clarified the next steps coming out of the session. <br /> Valley Forge Road <br /> 1. The county will contact the leasee affected by the road issues to explore potential <br /> annexation. <br /> 2. The town will keep the county informed about where they are in the design process and <br /> if there are any changes to the road. <br /> Hillsborough Work Group, October 2019, Page 9 <br />