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17 <br /> the community as well because they've been wanting some kind of development that will help <br /> their neighborhood. <br /> Mr. Seils wondered if Carrboro's involvement is useful in moving partners forward in <br /> meeting the goals outlined in Mapping our Community's Future report. If it's not helpful in <br /> moving to getting to that end, Mr. Seils said he is ok not being part of it. At the same time, he <br /> expressed a desire to remain in the partnership if it is helpful. <br /> Ms. Lavelle noted that whatever comes out of the conversation, Carrboro needs <br /> assurance they won't be blindsided again. Ms. Rich said it would be part of the government <br /> document. Mr. Myren explained there isn't an ownership document, which has resulted in not <br /> moving forward together or unilaterally because there isn't an understanding for which part of <br /> the 104 acres the County might own. Ms. Rich reflected on the limitations of the handshake <br /> agreement from 17 years ago. The Work Group will be kept informed about the process. <br /> Identifying next steps <br /> Participants clarified the next steps coming out of the session. <br /> 1. Ms. Hammersley and Mr. Myren will set up meeting for joint staffs and elected officials <br /> regarding Highway 54. <br /> 2. Carrboro will share updates with the County by November 1 regarding parking. <br /> 3. The Perkins Will addendum will be executed. <br /> 4. After the 203 Project is resolved, move forward with discussions regarding Old 85. <br /> 5. Keep the Work Group informed of conversations with the Greene Tract. <br /> 6. Meet again as a Work Group in Spring 2020. <br /> Evaluating the session <br /> The facilitator asked participants to reflect on what worked well about this session and what <br /> they would like to see changed for the next one. A confidential electronic evaluation was also <br /> distributed. <br /> What worked Well What to change for the next session <br /> Facilitator manner. Work through scheduling with the Town <br /> Clerk—want managers and staff to attend. <br /> Background information shared ahead of <br /> time. <br /> Staff being frank and letting elected officials <br /> where action is needed. _ <br /> Jointly developed agenda. <br /> Thank you to the County leadership for this T <br /> process. <br /> - Clear next steps. <br /> Carrboro Work Group, September 2019, Page 8 <br />