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16 <br /> adjacent jurisdictions whenever suggesting changes. If there are legs of the intersection shared <br /> between the County and Carrboro, Ms. Hammersley said, the County needs to talk with <br /> Carrboro before submitting requests to see if that will help them as well. <br /> NC Highway 54 <br /> Mr. Seils raised the topic of NC 54 West and provided context about corridor studies, <br /> which Carrboro requested to better inform decision making about the implications of <br /> potentially widening Highway 54. He stated Carrboro's interest is in standing by its decades- <br /> long policy of not widening Highway 54 unless absolutely necessary. In the past, Carrboro and <br /> the County have been in partnership about not widening. He observed lately it seems there <br /> may have been divergence in opinions that seemed to happen without a lot of discussion <br /> between the two jurisdictions. Mr. Seils recommended a smaller group of staff and elected <br /> officials meet to focus on interests of both jurisdictions vis a vis widening/not widening <br /> Highway 54. <br /> Ms. Rich noted there have been discussions among Commissioners about the issue and <br /> not everyone sees its as Carrboro does. There hasn't been a vote with the Commissioners, but <br /> there has been talk about widening 54 and putting in a park and ride. Ms. Price added there <br /> have been efforts to try to get signalization down the road. Ms. Hammersley said she would <br /> work with Mr. Myren to set the meeting. <br /> Greene Tract strategy <br /> Ms. Rich provided background information about the process of a government <br /> document for the Greene Tract, which is jointly owned by Chapel Hill, Carrboro and Orange <br /> County. When it was first established, she said there was general understanding about what to <br /> do with it, but there weren't any written agreements so it essentially became partnership on a <br /> handshake. The partnership has broken down a bit because Carrboro and Orange County are on <br /> the same page and the other partner isn't. Ms. Rich noted this has been going on 17 years and a <br /> number of different things have been done, including bringing water and sewer to Roger's <br /> Road, changing the speed limit, changing the zoning. Partners still aren't in agreement about <br /> affordable housing and how to develop the Greene Tract. <br /> Ms. Lavelle added that this part of the process started 2 % years ago. Before Carrboro <br /> engaged, they called to question whether they wanted to move forward or pull out. Having <br /> decided to engage, Ms. Lavelle said for 2 % years partners were working toward the same goals <br /> until this summer when there was a reboot. She expressed frustration because she feels time <br /> has been wasted. She affirmed Carrboro wants to see the Greene Tract happen. Mr. Seils <br /> voiced disappointment in the process on this outcome, noting staff has spent a lot of time on <br /> this topic and there is much else that could be focused on. Ms. Price expressed frustration for <br /> Carrboro Work Group, September 2019, Page 7 <br />