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15 <br /> then it got shot down, based on what some thought was erroneous information about the <br /> future of water and sewer. He noted it wasn't on anyone; the project just stopped. <br /> Mr. Andrews added this is the way things work sometimes. At the staff level you know <br /> all the technical things that need to be done, but the elected officials have to muddle through it <br /> because they have to answer to their constituents who are giving them a hard time. Staff is <br /> doing up front planning including cost estimates, but haven't been able to get synergy because <br /> of unknowns for elected officials who aren't sure how much opposition they will get. <br /> Ms. Lavelle said she wasn't sure the Maker's Village process got that far. Mr. Seils added <br /> the Carrboro Board didn't follow up that conversation with clear direction to staff. <br /> Ms. Rich said because the follow up wasn't there, the narrative changed. Public input <br /> took us down a different path and the boards seemed not to be inline anymore. Ms. Lavelle <br /> said she didn't recollect the Board coming back to the issue and there was so much attention <br /> being put on other issues like the 203 Project. <br /> Ms. Rich emphasized she's always been excited about the Maker's Village and invited <br /> Carrboro to come back at some point when they feel comfortable about starting up the <br /> conversation again. Ms. Price encouraged Carrboro to bring it back around because it will <br /> benefit everyone. Mr. Andrews thought staff might have the capacity to return to the topic <br /> once the parking deck issue is resolved. <br /> Transit and Transportation Planning <br /> Calavander— Intersection of Old 86 and Homestead <br /> Mr. Seils reflected on the history over the last few years of the County and Town <br /> coordinating with potential transportation projects of mutual interest. Calavander at the <br /> intersection of Old 86 and Homestead is an area both jurisdictions have interest in improving in <br /> terms of safety. He stated his opinion that lately it feels like there's been divergence in what <br /> what's being proposed for the area and asked for a focus on better coordination between <br /> planning departments. Carrboro has been proposing improvements primarily for bicycles. <br /> Apparently a separate proposal from the County was submitted for the same intersection that <br /> was focused on traffic flow. This proposal resulted in the NCDOT presenting a high level <br /> proposal for a double lane roundabout. The different goals of the intersection reflect the need <br /> for staffs to keep focusing on the overall vision for the intersection, which for Carrboro is <br /> improving bicycle safety. Carrboro needs to better understand the County's interest. He asked <br /> for the Town and County to work together and not submit separate projects. <br /> Ms. Hammersley asked if there wasn't an opportunity before requests are submitted to <br /> know what the other is requesting. Ms. McGuire replied that each jurisdiction can provide <br /> input. Ms. Rich asked when the County proposal was submitted. Ms. McGuire responded the <br /> County's proposal was submitted recently. Ms. Rich suggested there should be a process. Ms. <br /> Hammersley said she would talk with the County Planning Director about consulting with <br /> Carrboro Work Group, September 2019, Page 6 <br />