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14 <br /> Mr. Myren requested the Work Group consider an urgent matter related to the 203 <br /> Project involving finding replacement space for the Skills Development Center. He explained the <br /> need to determine a reliable timeline in order to move forward with the disposition of the <br /> property as soon as possible. Ms. Rich elaborated the County is considering selling the building <br /> and the Skills Development Center will need new space for 2020/21. Mr. Myren emphasized <br /> they will be feeling pressures about this soon, explaining it's an 18 month construction process. <br /> Ms. Hammersley added it's difficult for the County because they hear Carrboro wants <br /> something but they're never completely clear about what it is and the County hasn't seen any <br /> proposals. <br /> Ms. Lavelle explained there's a lot of conversation, but depending on much a deck <br /> would be, she thought there would be majority support for it from the Board. Mr. Seils <br /> elaborated, speaking for just for himself, that he would rather see the funds invested in other <br /> ways. He acknowledged the majority of the Board, in reality, is looking down the road to a <br /> parking deck and will need help from the County. <br /> Working together on economic development projects: Debriefing Old 86/Makers Village <br /> Ms. Rich shared the County Board has had conversations about how to invest more <br /> economic development dollars for Carrboro, but the specifics haven't been determined. <br /> Mr. Seils noted decisions along those lines would be a productive use of conversations in the <br /> Work Group. <br /> Ms. Hammersley emphasized if one Commissioner says something and Carrboro backs <br /> off from it because one Commissioner was unhappy, that's not the way it's supposed to work. <br /> The reality is you need a vote and Commissioners can't vote if they don't have anything in front <br /> of them. Mr. Andrews asked if the County is looking for is a written proposal from Carrboro for <br /> economic development projects. <br /> Ms. Rich clarified it isn't just a written proposal that is needed. Carrboro needs to be <br /> 90% certain they want to go through with it. Using the Old 86 Village Project as an example, she <br /> said the Commissioners never had a clear direction except a concept plan. Ms. Hammersley <br /> elaborated it needs to be beyond a concept plan and the County Board needs to be convinced, <br /> just like Carrboro's Board needs to be convinced. If it's a deck, how much is it going to cost? <br /> What are the justifications behind it? Commissioners need the opportunity to vote it up or <br /> down. <br /> Ms. Price added she didn't think it would be a bad idea to share concepts along the way <br /> as ideas are developed. <br /> Mr. Seil reflected on the Old 86/Maker's Village idea. He said the concept was written <br /> up into a plan because Carrboro was asking for grant funding from the County for water and <br /> sewer. In his recollection it came up through general discussion about the concept plan and <br /> Carrboro Work Group, September 2019, Page 5 <br />