Agenda 11-19-19 Item 12-2 - Information Item - Memorandum - Minutes - Intergovernmental Collaboration with Municipal Partners
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Agenda - 11-19-19 Business Meeting
Agenda 11-19-19 Item 12-2 - Information Item - Memorandum - Minutes - Intergovernmental Collaboration with Municipal Partners
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Last modified
11/14/2019 12:28:30 PM
Creation date
11/14/2019 12:13:43 PM
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Agenda 11-19-19 Business Meeting
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12 <br /> 10. Transit and Transportation Planning—e.g., NC 54 <br /> 11. Historic Rogers Road Area Development <br /> 12. Continued partnership <br /> Work Group members determined the priorities for discussion, which are reflected in the order <br /> outlined below. <br /> Zinn Property <br /> Ms. Rich initiated the Work Group's discussion of the Zinn Property, noting there needs <br /> to be a coordinated response to assure community members in the ETJ they are heard. Ms. <br /> Lavelle shared the newspaper published a story today that indicated the developer is putting <br /> the project on hold. Ms. Stone emphasized the larger issue is economic development in the ETJ <br /> in terms of who is representing community members. Mr. Seils added the coordinated <br /> communications with residents is an issue. Ms. Rich agreed a coordinated response in the ETJ is <br /> important to avoid pitting Carrboro against Orange County. Mr. Andrews asked if written <br /> protocols would come out of the conversation to provide guidance on how to handle these <br /> kinds of issues. Ms. Hammersley added there are protocols for coordinated responses, even <br /> though these might not always be written. The County always checks in when it's not their issue <br /> and won't respond until there's information from the jurisdiction that oversees it. <br /> Working together on economic development <br /> Ms. Lavelle transitioned the discussion to consider how Carrboro and the County work <br /> together on economic development. Underlying the conversation about the Zinn property, she <br /> said, are efforts to partner with the County on something economic. Carrboro is different than <br /> Chapel Hill or Hillsborough with its geography, opportunities and local focus and there is <br /> concerted focus on a vibrant downtown. Mr. Andrews shared a question that arises for the <br /> Town: "Do we want to go it alone or co-develop with the County?" He responded Carrboro <br /> would like to co-develop in the interest of regional collaboration. He indicated Carrboro isn't as <br /> skilled navigating the climate in the ETJ and with the AAC. He brought up an experience in the <br /> last year or so where Carrboro attended a County meeting and a Commissioner had an issue <br /> with extending water and sewer. As a result of feeling like they received a negative response, <br /> Mr. Andrews added, Carrboro pulled back. Ms. Rich emphasized the importance of not thinking <br /> one Commissioner speaks for the whole Board. The broader question is how do the County and <br /> Carrboro collaborate more on economic development? What does this look like for Carrboro? <br /> Mr. Seils elaborated on opportunities for collaboration around specific projects such as <br /> the library, perhaps Makers Space and the Greene Tract. Other opportunities include <br /> participating with the County in determining how to spend economic development tax <br /> revenues. Still other opportunities for collaboration include investments in infrastructure, such <br /> Carrboro Work Group, September 2019, Page 3 <br />
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