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11 <br /> Ms. Rich said she hoped the Work Group would take advantage of the opportunity to <br /> have conversations and be honest with each other, which can be harder to achieve with a lot of <br /> people in the room. <br /> Mr. Seils added he hoped Work Group members would try to be helpful to each other in <br /> pointing out those places where we see possible points of tension with our Boards. <br /> Ms. Hammersley noted a hope to be able to bring back to staff what needs to be done <br /> and identify where they can assist elected officials with their goals. <br /> Ms. Price emphasized the connectedness of the community—Carrboro is part of Orange <br /> County and vice versa. There are areas we can and need to make decisions together. The Work <br /> Group can help us move forward overall with mutual support and identify gaps that might not <br /> be as obvious in a larger group. <br /> Trish McGuire reflected on a strong history of working together and hoped, whatever <br /> the framing is, it continues to strengthen the collaboration. <br /> Rebecca Buzzard hoped for actionable items for staff to work on. <br /> Articulating the vision for collaboration <br /> Ms. Lavelle emphasized the importance of continually checking back in with Boards, as <br /> individuals don't reflect all opinions represented by Board members. By moving forward <br /> together and informing our Boards, noting where there is divergence, time won't be wasted. <br /> Mr. Seils indicated the importance of being clear when we are talking from our own <br /> point of view or when we think we are representing the full Board. He noted staff are relied <br /> upon for their expertise and said success will be clarity for them. <br /> Ms. Price said Boards represent different points of view and segments of the <br /> community. Success is when all voices are heard and considered. <br /> Ms. McGuire wondered if it was possible to establish a structure where there is vetting <br /> of concepts and ideas in the smaller Work Group and then a check-in with Board members who <br /> weren't present before concepts and ideas go to staff. <br /> Ms. Hammersley shared the plan to include Work Group minutes as an information item <br /> with the Commissioners, which means they will also be shared with the public. <br /> Mr. Seils noted many topics on the list for possible discussion have been there for a <br /> while. A metric that will indicate success is when topics are either dropped off or moved along. <br /> Prioritizing topics for discussion <br /> Work Group members identified the following topics prior to the meeting: <br /> 1. Parking <br /> 2. Greene Tract strategy <br /> 3. Library <br /> 4. Zinn property-flex zone-future annexation <br /> 5. Old 86 Maker's Village property <br /> 6. Conservation easement for FLX <br /> 7. Transportation projects <br /> 8. Affordable housing <br /> 9. Economic Development, including in ETJs <br /> Carrboro Work Group, September 2019, Page 2 <br />