Agenda - 04-17-2001-8g
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-17-2001
Agenda - 04-17-2001-8g
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Last modified
8/29/2008 2:52:52 PM
Creation date
8/29/2008 10:30:48 AM
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Agenda Item
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2001 S Solid Waste - University Mall Recycling Drop-off Site Agreement
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2001
Minutes - 04-17-2001
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2001
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4. The County shall respond to telephone or other requests from the Mall to clean up the <br />site within 24 hours of a working day (Monday-Friday) when a call is received, <br />except for County holidays and weekends. <br />5. The County will keep all recycling containers in good working order, painted and <br />labeled for ease of use. <br />6. The County shall provide regularly scheduled collections of all recyclable materials <br />to prevent overflow of material. <br />7. The County shall maintain insurance against liability to third parties for damage, loss <br />or injury to third parties from operations of the County's recycling services on the <br />Owner's property, and shall, to the extent allowed by law, indemnify and hold Owner <br />its pazent corporation, subsidiaries, officers, directors, shazeholders, agents harmless <br />from and against any and all claims, liabilities, actions, suits, expenses (including <br />court costs and reasonable attorneys' fees) resulting from injuries to or death of any <br />person or damage to any property occurring on Owner's property which arise out of <br />or aze related to the County's operation of recycling services on the Owner's <br />property. <br />S. The County shall be responsible for all annual maintenance costs associated with <br />operation at the recycling site up to the boundary of the concrete pad and site fencing <br />and upkeep of the recycling drop-off site, except where such maintenance costs aze <br />caused by the Owner or Owners representatives or Mall customers using facilities <br />other than the recycling site. Perimeter landscaping required for the Mall's <br />redevelopment permits or required planted buffer azeas, regardless of the presence of <br />the recycling site, shall nat be included in any maintenance by the County. <br />9. The service provided by the County on the Owner's property may be temporarily <br />suspended for safety or any other reason. The County will notify the Owner of its <br />intent to temporarily suspend service at least 24 hours prior to doing so. The County <br />will be responsible far all public notification of this intent, placement of a temporary <br />barrier to the site and will be responsible for removal of recyclable material placed at <br />the site during the time service is suspended. <br />1 U. The Owner may secure the site with an additional temporary barrier of its choosing <br />during suspension of service and shall use its security personnel to assist in deterring <br />use of the site during the period in which service is suspended. <br />11. The Owner shall properly maintain the approaches to the azea on which the recycling <br />services are operated and shall keep the approaches free from obstructions and litter <br />and clear for public recycling drop-off operations. <br />12.Owner shall hold the County harmless from any claims for damage to road surfaces <br />curb and gutter and underground utilities or other improvements on the property <br />
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