Orange County NC Website
13. Adverse Public Health Conditions <br />An exception to the prohibition of public water and sewer service in <br />interest areas may be made to allow the extension. of lines in the event <br />the Orange County Health Department documents an "adverse public <br />health condition." <br />An adverse public laealth condition exists wl.~ere: <br />1. in the case of existing wastewater system(s), it meets all of~ the <br />following criteria: <br />• the wastewater system is failing; <br />• the wastewater system is documented to be failing <br />by the Orange County 1 Jealth Department; <br />• there is no on-site repair approvable or <br />recommended by the Orange County Health <br />Depan~-nent. <br />The following terms used in the criteria above mean: <br />F~~la~g WaSte~~~ater S, stem: A wastewater system is failing <br />when sewage or effluent is seeping or discharging to the ground <br />surface or to surface waters. A permitted, properly-functioning <br />non-discharge wastewater system (e.g., osprey-irrigation <br />system) and a permitted, properly-functioning discharge <br />system are not failing wastewater systems. <br />~zprovable On-Sit~.R~air: An approvable on-site uTastewater <br />system repair that can be completed in a desigmated repair area <br />which is approvable under Orange County Health Department. <br />regulatory soil/site criteria in effect at the time of the needed <br />repair. <br />R - Re ' • A recommended on-site repair <br />is one that is not an approvable on-site repair, but is one that in <br />the best professional judgment of the Orange County Health <br />Department will reasonably enable the system to function <br />properly. A recommended on-site repair may incorporate <br />engineered design (a design certif ed by an engineer to <br />overcome all soil/site limitations in the particular situation), site <br />~n <br />