OUTBoard Minutes 082119
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange Unified Transportation Board
OUTBoard Minutes 082119
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Last modified
11/4/2019 10:10:49 AM
Creation date
11/4/2019 10:08:26 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Advisory Bd. Minutes
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Approved 10/16/19 <br /> 163 <br /> 164 Todd Jones: Is this to address the issue of a lack of consistent availability for transportation in Hillsborough? <br /> 165 <br /> 166 Theo Letman: In general, it's a fresh look at a fresh service that's going on across the country. Other communities have a <br /> 167 strong presence of Uber/Lyft but not so much here North Carolina. I think by public perspective more transit agencies are <br /> 168 going to this model. Some have even replaced their paratransit services with Uber/Lyft style services, mobility on demand. <br /> 169 <br /> 170 Lisa Berley: I would like to highlight that it's a way of people getting out of going into another County, maybe to Alamance or <br /> 171 Durham where the other local transportation services don't necessarily get you across there. <br /> 172 <br /> 173 Theo Letman: In our region,we need to have better coordination with linking up our services. <br /> 174 <br /> 175 Lisa Berley: I am imagining that you can get a ride to outside of the county. <br /> 176 <br /> 177 Theo Letman: We probably won't go deep into Alamance County. <br /> 178 <br /> 179 Lisa Berley: Not deep but to help people who are living near that border. <br /> 180 <br /> 181 Theo Letman: Transportation services are to serve all people and it should never be looked down upon. I think providing <br /> 182 this service gets us away from that kind of stigma that had it been associated with the service. Providing a service that <br /> 183 meets the growing need will be very helpful. <br /> 184 <br /> 185 Alyson West: What is the specific safety training the new drivers will go through to handle bicyclists and pedestrians on the <br /> 186 road and how they interact with them? <br /> 187 <br /> 188 Theo Letman: We will keep up the standard of safety training. We have several defensive driving systems that are <br /> 189 nationally recognized that we take the staff through. We will also have our drivers take a cone course. This will include <br /> 190 EMS folks and any other admin folks who drive County vehicles. <br /> 191 <br /> 192 Erik Broo: Is there any effort to put some device on the bus that measures G-forces or steering and breaking inputs to <br /> 193 determine the severity of them to determine if a driver should be flagged for retraining? <br /> 194 <br /> 195 Theo Letman: We do take our drivers to regular training and retraining. We emphasize their handling of the vehicle. There <br /> 196 are devices and systems that we can deploy on our vehicles that can monitor that. Telemetry is something that we might <br /> 197 look at we upgrade our surveillance systems. <br /> 198 <br /> 199 AGENDA ITEM 4C: OCPT ADMINISTRATIVE UPDATES(THEO LETMAN)— <br /> 200 Theo Letman gave updates on the department's transit projects. <br /> 201 <br /> 202 AGENDA ITEM 41): TRANSIT ADVISORY SERVICES(TAS)COMMENTS/QUESTIONS(THEO LETMAN)- <br /> 203 Theo Letman asked if any TAS members had any additional questions or comments <br /> 204 <br /> 205 AGENDA ITEM 5: REGULAR OUTBOARD AGENDA <br /> 206 <br /> 207 AGENDA ITEM 5A: BICYCLE SAFETY IMPLEMENTATION SUBCOMMITTEE(BSIS) RECOMMENDATION ON FUTURE HANDLING OF <br /> 208 BICYCLE SAFETY IMPLEMENTATION(NISH TRIVEDI) <br /> 209 <br /> 210 Heidi Perry: How regular will the updates be? <br /> 211 <br /> 212 Nish Trivedi: The recommendation was no more meetings and to have this done at the regular OUTBoard meetings. <br /> 213 <br /> 214 Todd Jones: We may want to make sure that's part the recruitment and selection criteria for board members is to make sure <br /> 215 there is some cycling, pedestrians, and any other alternate forms of transportation representation. If the composition of that <br /> 216 element is lost, there may not be the same emphasis on alternative forms of transportation that this recommendation <br /> 4 <br />
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