OUTBoard agenda 101619
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange Unified Transportation Board
OUTBoard agenda 101619
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Last modified
11/4/2019 10:07:21 AM
Creation date
11/4/2019 9:45:29 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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10 <br /> 379 <br /> 380 David Laudicina: I notice this is a small start program and it's registered with the FTA. Do the small starts not have to go <br /> 381 through the extensive engineering; is that why you're able to do it so quickly? <br /> 382 <br /> 383 Nish Trivedi: They are doing the 30-percent engineering design right now. Their town has already approved the locally <br /> 384 preferred alternative which has been adopted earlier this year. So they are putting the package agreement together to get a <br /> 385 rating for how it's going to rate against other small start programs across the country. The engineering should be complete <br /> 386 by 2019/2020 to start construction. <br /> 387 <br /> 388 David Laudicina: Where's the money coming from? Is it a 50/25/25? <br /> 389 <br /> 390 Nish Trivedi: No. There is also a project being submitted in the SPOT 6.02 to get funding from the state to make it to the <br /> 391 STIR There are three versions of it right now in the current 2017 County transit plan, so there is funding from the county <br /> 392 transit plan that's going towards this. There's the Board of County Commissioners, DCACMPO, and Chapel Hill transit <br /> 393 which have all approved amending the transit plan to put more money towards this project. When the STIP comes out in the <br /> 394 next two years we will see how it does in SPOT 6.0 to get state funding. <br /> 395 <br /> 396 David Laudicina: Is the state going to put some money too, and how will we be sure that they're not going to kill it like they <br /> 397 tried to kill light rail project? <br /> 398 <br /> 399 Nish Trivedi: We will find out when the next STIP comes out in the 10-year window whether it's to be a committed project or <br /> 400 a development project. <br /> 401 <br /> 402 David Laudicina: Where does the local money come from? <br /> 403 <br /> 404 Nish Trivedi: The County transit plan. <br /> 405 <br /> 406 David Laudicina: From the tax thing that they put through? <br /> 407 <br /> 408 Nish Trivedi: Light rail is one project and this is another project that is in the adopted plan. <br /> 409 <br /> 410 AGENDA ITEM 713: MPO/RPO NCDOT UPDATES(NISH TRIVEDI) <br /> 411 <br /> 412 Heidi Perry: So what we received is not the complete policy, right? <br /> 413 <br /> 414 Matt Day: The policy itself is just those couple of pages. <br /> 415 <br /> 416 Alyson West: It says under the planning and design guidelines that the NCDOT roadway design manual isn't the <br /> 417 authoritative reference, Section H. If that's not updated for the engineers, is anything going to change? <br /> 418 <br /> 419 Matt Day: I don't know. One thing we were told is that DOT is changing their standard roadway drawings. The standard <br /> 420 drawing used to be with wide outside lanes as their standard bike provision, but this is no longer going to be the standard <br /> 421 bike provision. <br /> 422 <br /> 423 MOTION by Heidi Perry instructing Art Menius to write a letter of appreciated to Abigail Pittman. Seconded by Alyson West. <br /> 424 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 425 <br /> 426 AGENDA ITEM 8:ADJOURNMENT <br /> 427 Motion to adjourn. <br /> 428 <br /> Art Menius, Chair <br />
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