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The purpose of this fact sheet is to provide a breakdown of Orange County’s Special Use Permit submittal and <br />review process. <br />The information contained herein provides an explanation on the nature of the permit proceedings, the <br />presentation of evidence, burden of proof, what constitutes testimony and who can present evidence, and your <br />rights with respect to challenging a decision to either approve or reject a SUP application. <br />1. What is a Special Use Permit? <br />A Special Use Permit (SUP) is a permit allowing for the establishment of certain uses, in certain <br />districts, that are considered worthy of additional scrutiny in their proposed location. Such uses typically <br />require special review for design, location, and impact on surrounding properties. <br />Orange County has 2 different categories of SUP, specifically: <br />i. Class A reviewed and acted upon by the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC), with a <br />recommendation from the Planning Board, and <br />ii. Class B reviewed and acted upon by the Orange County Board of Adjustment. <br />2. What is considered a ‘Special Use’? <br />A SUP is required for those specific land uses identified within the Orange County Unified <br />Development Ordinance (UDO) Table of Permitted Uses contained within Section 5.2. <br />These uses are identified in the UDO’s Table of Permitted Uses with an ‘A” for Class A SUP and a ‘B’ <br />for a Class B SUP. Some uses may be permissible in certain districts without restriction (referred to as <br />“uses by right”), but require the SUP in districts where their impact calls for special consideration. <br />Applicants are entitled to be granted a SUP if they can show that specific standards would be met. <br />3. When are such applications reviewed? <br />Review of a SUP application occurs during a previously scheduled and advertised public hearings held <br />by either the BOCC or the Board of Adjustment. <br />The review of an application is a carried out in a quasi-judicial process. <br />The typical cadence associated with the review of a SUP is broken down in Section 2.7 of the UDO and <br />can be summarized using the following flow chart: <br />Orange County Planning and Inspections Department <br />SPECIAL USE PERMIT <br />FACT SHEET <br />50