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Samantha Cabe asked what page the future site plan could be located on. Charlie Yokley informed Ms. Cabe that the 1 <br />best plan to look at is number sheet C5, the overall site plan.2 <br /> 3 <br />Samantha Cabe asked for a page number. Patrick Mallett replied that the material packet ends on page 400 and that 4 <br />the back end should include a reduced copy of a site plan.5 <br /> 6 <br />Charlie Yokley noted to the board and the public that the new facilities and the programming areas located on the 7 <br />master plan were still within the areas currently used and occupied by the camp with no real outward expansion 8 <br />towards the edges of the parcels. Working with Orange County staff through the review of the Class (B) Special Use 9 <br />Permit, he believes the master plan as was submitted to the board is in compliance with the technical requirements of10 <br />Orange County and the Unified Development Ordinance. He mentioned there would be no proposed new access or 11 <br />new driveway cuts and that this would be merely to offer increased services within the camp. 12 <br />13 <br />Charlie Yokley mentioned that in addition to the technical requirements of the (UDO), he also mentioned the 14 <br />requirement to show their compliance with the 3 findings of fact which are required to be met to approve a Class (B) 15 <br />Special Use Permit. He stated that he would address two of those findings and announced that Jack Jarvis Martin a 16 <br />certified real estate appraiser would speak to the property values question in the finding. 17 <br />18 <br />Mr. Yokley reviewed two findings of fact and read that: Finding 1) states that the use will maintain or promote the public 19 <br />health, safety, and the general welfare where proposed and developed and operated according to the plans submitted. 20 <br />He explained that Chestnut Ridge has been at this location for several years and has always tried to operate as a good 21 <br />neighbor and will continue to do so. The use of the camp is harmonious with the environment including and up to the 22 <br />conservation easement they dedicated to the state to prohibit any future development within some sensitive 23 <br />environmental areas. With minimal impact to traffic, the camp has no detrimental impact on the health, safety and 24 <br />general welfare of its neighbors or Orange County as a whole. The proposed master plan represents a modest 25 <br />increase in capacity and will not endanger the public, health, safety or general welfare. He then read: Finding 3) states 26 <br />that the location and character of the use if developed according to the master plan submitted will be harmonious with 27 <br />the area designated and its use in compliance with the plan for the physical development of the county as a body of 28 <br />these regulations or in the comprehensive plan or portion thereof adopted by the Board of Commissioners. The site’s29 <br />proposed additions and expansions within the camp meet the requirements of the Orange County (UDO), with respect 30 <br />to stream buffers and maximum impervious services. The proposed additions and overall use of the parcel as a camp 31 <br />is in harmony with the area in which it’s located. To further ensure that Camp Chestnut Ridge will continue to be a 32 <br />valuable asset to Orange County, we have agreed to ten conditions that are highlighted in the staff report to be 33 <br />attached to the Class (B) Special Use Permit. The conditions along with the proposed development plan will ensure 34 <br />that the camp continues to be a good neighbor into the future. 35 <br />36 <br />Leon Meyers asked Mr. Yokley how the ten conditions originated. Mr. Yokley responded that the condition regarding 37 <br />the audible low-pressure alarm came from the neighborhood meeting while the others came from conversations with 38 <br />staff as they went through the review process. 39 <br />40 <br />Leon Meyers asked if all the conditions were acceptable to Mr. Yokley and Camp Chestnut Ridge. Mr. Yokley said yes. 41 <br />42 <br />Patrick Mallett specified that the applicant had submitted signed conditions for the packet that have just the language 43 <br />and added that the some of the conditions are typical of what you would see at a camp retreat/center. As was 44 <br />previously mentioned, this is a long-term master plan for 20 to 30+ years. The applicants have agreed to perform a45 <br />storm water and erosion control analysis, to update and submit site plans as they go along, and to evaluate the traffic, 46 <br />he said. Mr. Mallett explained that as future buildings are added to the site, updates would include evaluations in terms 47 <br />of land disturbance, erosion control, stormwater requirements, and traffic. He described it as a commitment on their 48 <br />part to update as you go type of format.49 <br />50 <br />5