Orange County NC Website
Stream Buffer 65ft <br />Soils <br />Soils Survey Stream <br />OC Updated Stream <br />2' Contours (NCDOT) <br />Parcels <br />Streets <br />Zoning <br />FIRM <br />Watershed · <br />03060Feet <br />1 inch = 150 feet <br />Flood <br />Panel: <br />0801K <br />Jordan Lake <br />Unprotected <br />WatershedWILKINS DRERWIN RD <br />RB322320318312310308306 <br />298 <br />324 <br />304300296316 <br />314 <br />306304302300298296294292324 <br />322 <br />320 <br />318 <br />30430230 <br />2 <br />32 <br />6 <br />306294Soil: AuC <br />Soil: CrB <br />Soil: WtC2 <br />Site Assessment for PIN:0801-13-2925 <br />Site Data: <br />Zoning: Rural Buffer (RB) <br />Acreage: 9.29 acres <br />Overlay Districts: N/A <br />Plat/Legal Description: W/S Kerley Rd; no plat <br />Density and Dimensional Requirements: <br />Max. Density: 1 unit per 2 acres <br />Min. Lot Size: 2 acres <br />Min. lot width: 130’ <br />Building Setbacks and Height: <br />Front (and Corner lots) = 40’ (50’ for outdoor athletic fields at <br />recreational facilities) <br />Side Setbacks = 20’ <br />Rear Yard Setback = 20’ <br />Maximum height: 25’ (see UDO Sec. 6.2.2 for height bonus) <br />Ratios <br />Floor Area: <br />•Residential Conditional Use = .058 <br />•Non-Residential Use = .088 <br />•Non-Residential Conditional Use = .100 <br />Open Space: 0.84 <br />Max. Impervious Surface: N/A (Stormwater control measure required <br />when exceeding 12,000 sq. ft.) <br />Environmental Features: <br />Streams/Water Bodies: Stream shown (OC GIS/Soil Survey) <br />SFHA (Floodplain): N/A <br />Wetlands: N/A <br />Buffers: Stream Buffer = 65 ft. (Method A; Slope = 2.4%) <br />Land Disturbance Thresholds: <br />1) Erosion Control Application/Permit required if disturbing more than <br />20,000 sq. ft. <br />2) Stormwater Management Application/Permit required if disturbing <br />more than 43,560 sq. ft. (1 acre) for residential structures or more than <br />21,780 sq. ft. for commercial structures. <br />Notes: <br />1) Private Road Justifications, Recorded Declarations, Restrictive Covenants, Bona Fide <br />Farm status, use and building type (e.g. duplex units) will change subdivision and <br />development requirements. <br />2) Wetlands data is taken from Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the <br />United States. U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service and does not <br />constitute a formal delineation (i.e. survey) of the property. All wetland areas are <br />approximate. <br />3) Flood boundaries are subject to change based on periodic amendments to flood maps. <br />Determination is based on current, best available, data. <br />4) This does not constitute a formal land survey. <br />(Date Site Assessment Completed: 08/06/2019 by mboyle) <br />PIN#: 0801132925 <br />INC HOLLOW ROCK RACQUET & SWIM CLUB <br /> <br />5100 ERWIN RD <br />DURHAM, NC 27707 <br />Data shown on this map is obtained from Orange County <br />GIS and is for reference only. <br />Exact locations and boundaries should be verified. <br />Map prepared by Orange County Planning & Inspections. <br />08/06/2019 - mboyle <br />49