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MINUTES-Draft <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br />May 22, 2019 <br />S:\Managers Working Files\BOH\Agenda & Abstracts\2019 Agenda & Abstracts/ May Page 5 <br />• Lastly, Ms. Richard stressed that this is a county initiative not just a health department <br />initiative. <br /> <br />The BOH members had questions that were addressed by Ms. Richard. <br /> <br /> <br />VI. Action Items (Non Consent) <br /> <br />A. Board Reappointments <br /> <br />Due to the absence of a quorum at April’s board meeting, the BOH voted on member <br />reappointments. <br /> <br />Motion to reappoint Jennifer Deyo was made by Susan Elmore, seconded by Jessica <br />Frega, and carried without dissent. Jennifer Deyo abstained. <br /> <br />Motion to reappoint Sam Lasris was made by Paul Chelminksi, seconded by Jennifer <br />Deyo, and carried without dissent. Sam Lasris abstained. <br /> <br />Mr. Smith thanked both members for their continued service. He then announced that BOH <br />member, Barbara Chavious, has notified him that, due to caring for her ill husband, she will, <br />regretfully, issue a letter of resignation. <br /> <br />Susan Elmore announced that, as of tonight’s meeting, she will be stepping down from both the <br />OCHD BOH and Animal Services Boards. She has held her position on the Animal Services <br />Board for 13 years, 9 years on the OCHD BOH and still serves on 2 other state boards. She <br />stated that it has been a pleasure working with everyone. Everyone thanked her for her service. <br /> <br />After serving 11 years (3 full three-year terms and having finished the term of the person before <br />him) BOH member Paul Chelminski’s last meeting will be next month, June. The BOH <br />members stated that they’ll miss him and thanked him for his service. <br /> <br />Timothy Smith and Jessica Frega (Chair and Vice-Chair, respectively) will form a subcommittee <br />that will review applications for the physician seat held by Paul Chelminski and conduct phone <br />interviews. They asked for volunteers to which Jennifer Deyo and Sam Lasris offered to do so. <br /> <br />As time is of the essence, Vice-Chair Jessica Frega suggested that the board informed any <br />interested applicants to complete their application for the physician seat by Friday, May 31st to <br />allow for interviews to be scheduled and a recommendation turned into the clerk’s office by June <br />7th for the BOCC’s agenda review. The BOH can send their comments on the physician seat <br />candidates via email to the 4 subcommittee members. <br /> <br />Quintana Stewart stated that she’ll speak with Bob Marotto, Animal Services Director, regarding <br />a Veterinary liaison. <br /> <br />B. Fluoride Update <br /> <br />BOH member, Bruce Baldwin, substituted for BOH Liska Lackey and provided a brief update on <br />the progress of the Fluoride Ad Hoc Committee. He began by stating that many documents <br />dating back to November 2017 have been reviewed. He also read a summary of what’s <br />occurred since November 2017 to the present. Baldwin commented that OWASA not being