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2 <br /> could not presently recommend this to the BOCC due to the present tax increase proposals. <br /> Discussion followed.This idea should remain under consideration. Looking ahead, the budget <br /> process begins around December before the June adoption date. Department directors,through the <br /> functional leadership team, develop budget proposals through a team process. The trust fund <br /> proposal could be brought forward in next year's budget by DEAPR. Remember if it requires an <br /> additional expenditure,then a funding source will be required. Present Use recapture could be <br /> targeted as a funding source, but we have to remember that this revenue is already being relied on <br /> for other county expenditures, so new money would have to be found somewhere else to offset. <br /> The APB can ask DEAPR to initiate a budget request late this fall so that it gets to her by February. <br /> 6. Items for Decision: <br /> a) New VAD/EVAD Applications(Attachment 2): Hughes presented the current applications listed <br /> below.All of these farms meet the requirements/criteria for VAD/EVAD enrollment. <br /> • McKee Family(Virginia McKee and Heirs): 162.28 acres for VAD, Caldwell Ag District. The farm <br /> is in cattle, hayland, small grains and managed woodland. Redding moved to approve, seconded <br /> by Compton; motion carried. <br /> • Mark Miller: 177.74 acres for VAD, Caldwell Ag District. The farm is in pasture, beef cattle and <br /> hayland. McAdams moved to approve, seconded by Vanhook; motion carried. <br /> Hughes reported that with approval of these farms,this will bring us up to 15,059 acres in VAD and <br /> EVAD. Farms approved tonight and those from the March meeting will go to the BOCC on June 41n <br /> 7. Informational Items/Future Agenda Items: <br /> a. Presentation by Animal Services staff regarding the Working Cats program: Bob Marotto and <br /> Cooper Hatch presented an update on this program.They have had good success, much of it by <br /> word of mouth. At one farm they captured almost 60 cats over a period of time, spayed/neutered <br /> them, gave vaccinations and microchips, then returned them to the farm.They continue to receive <br /> grants and donations to fund this effort.They continue to look for opportunities to work with <br /> farmers and landowners to continue this effort.They can provide the traps so that the owners can <br /> bring them in for spaying/neutering. By returning cats to their original locations, they can prevent <br /> new colonies of cats from forming. Hatch passed out information about the program.This approach <br /> does not immediately reduce the population, but is intended over time to reduce the number of <br /> free roaming cats.This will get those numbers down in the long run.This also allows us to provide <br /> vaccinations and better rabies protection over the long term. <br /> b. Membership: Several members were asked if they would serve second terms. Please let staff know. <br /> We are looking for applicants for two at-large positions and one for Cane Creek-Buckhorn VAD. <br /> Discussion followed. Staff asked members to think hard about folks they know who might be <br /> interested/eligible,for both types of position. Ranells suggested that staff could send a letter to all <br /> the VAD farmers in a given district to let them know we are looking for a new member from that <br /> district. Members endorsed that idea. Hughes has email addresses so staff will proceed to do this. <br /> 8. Time for Information Sharing: Ortosky reported that the Ag Economic Development grant program is <br /> recommended for funding at the$100,000 level; next deadline for applications is June 30. McPherson <br /> and Ranells stated how much they had enjoyed serving on the APB as they retire off. <br /> 9. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 8:58 pm. <br />