Orange County NC Website
30 37 <br /> it should give the absent members notice that their attendance <br /> is required by the majority and may be compelled in this man- <br /> ner. <br /> Rule 28.Public Hearings.Public hearings required by law or deemed <br /> advisable by the board shall be advertised per legal requirements <br /> and staff shall set forth the subject, date,place, and time of the hear- <br /> ing as well as any rules regarding the length of time allotted to each <br /> speaker and designating representatives to speak for large groups. At <br /> the appointed time, the chair shall call the hearing to order and pre- <br /> side over it.When the allotted time expires, or earlier, if no one wishes <br /> to speak who has not done so, the presiding officer shall entertain or <br /> make a motion to end the hearing or adjourn the public hearing to <br /> another board meeting, or vote on the item. The board shall thereaf- <br /> ter resume the regular order of business. <br /> Anyone wishing to speak during a public hearing must first pro- <br /> vide his or her name and address to the clerk. <br /> Comment: G.S. 153A-52 provides that public hearings may be <br /> held anywhere within the county and gives the board authority to <br /> adopt rules governing the hearings. <br /> Rule 29. Quorum at Public Hearings. A quorum of the board <br /> shall be required at all public hearings required by law. <br /> Comment:G.S.153A-52 implies that a quorum of governing board <br /> members is necessary for a public hearing by providing that a <br /> hearing shall be deferred to the next regular meeting if a quorum <br /> is not present at the originally scheduled time. However, if the <br /> board decided to hold a public hearing not required by law to <br /> gather a consensus of public opinion on an issue,the hearing could <br /> be held at several different sites, with a few members at each <br /> site. <br /> Rule 30. Minutes. Minutes shall be kept of all board meetings. <br /> Minutes will be presented to the board on the regular meeting <br /> agenda. Substantive changes, including changes in content, will be <br /> made in open session. Other changes may be provided to the clerk. <br /> The exact wording of each motion and the results of each vote shall <br /> be recorded in the minutes. On the request of any board member <br /> the board shall be polled by name on any vote. <br />