Agenda 11-07-19 Item 8-a - Minutes
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-07-19 Regular Meeting
Agenda 11-07-19 Item 8-a - Minutes
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Last modified
10/31/2019 4:35:30 PM
Creation date
10/31/2019 4:37:50 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Agenda 11-07-2019 Regular Board Meeting
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6 <br /> 1 be able to rotate these duties. He said he is on the Fire Chief's Council this year, after <br /> 2 Commissioner McKee was on it for years. He said he did not have a good idea of what the <br /> 3 issues were or what was going on, but he sees value in being able to be involved and <br /> 4 learning. He said he looks forward to someone else taking on this role next, and the 2 to 4 <br /> 5 year limits seem reasonable to him. <br /> 6 Commissioner Marcoplos said it takes time to fully understand some of these <br /> 7 boards, and it would be useful to be able to use the knowledge one has taken time to <br /> 8 acquire, in order to be effective. He said the Board has the responsibility to serve <br /> 9 effectively, and there is some tension there with the desire to have experience in a variety of <br /> 10 roles. He said the transportation stuff is very complicated, and it just takes time to learn it, <br /> 11 and then 2-3 years to be able to be effective. He said there is not a magical formula, and <br /> 12 agreed that if a Commissioner screws up, it needs to be addressed. <br /> 13 Commissioner Price said she has an issue with "best representation". <br /> 14 Commissioner Marcoplos said it is not a personal thing, and if one serves on a <br /> 15 board for 2 years, that person is better qualified to serve than one who has never been on <br /> 16 said board. <br /> 17 Commissioner Price said someone could have a background in an area already, but <br /> 18 it is advantageous for the Board as a collective to get experience in different areas, as all <br /> 19 will need to address issues. She said sometimes board by-laws need to be changed. <br /> 20 Commissioner Marcoplos said time adds to effectiveness, and allows <br /> 21 Commissioners to best serve the County. <br /> 22 Commissioner Dorosin asked if the 2 and 4 model works. He said he thinks it does, <br /> 23 as the burden is on each Commissioner to pick a save about which he/she is passionate. <br /> 24 Commissioner Marcoplos said there is only one pick, and asked if it is a good thing <br /> 25 for the Board to allow changes. He said the limitation is fine, and he wonders if there <br /> 26 should be more saves. <br /> 27 Commissioner Bedford said there are experts on the staff to assist new members to <br /> 28 get up to speed. She said a higher-level question is to consider the Commissioner's role as <br /> 29 a board member. She said, on the intergovernmental boards, the Commissioners serve as <br /> 30 more of a liaison for the BOCC. She said each Commissioner has areas of expertise/ <br /> 31 interest, which is why he/she has chosen the boards. She said no one needs to be an <br /> 32 expert, and to be a high functioning Board, it is critical to share power and control. She said <br /> 33 she is hearing a fear that one may come to a board, and not do as well as someone else <br /> 34 can, and that should not be the motivation. She said all have special interests, and she <br /> 35 does not want to poach if someone else has a high interest. She said she has been in the <br /> 36 fear situation with the school boards, and voted out of that fear forgetting that staff and other <br /> 37 board members are available to help and support. She said it is important to have the <br /> 38 limitations and depth across the bench. <br /> 39 Commissioner Marcoplos said he is not scared, but wants to figure out a best way to <br /> 40 be effective. He said attending one or two meetings is just the tip of the iceberg, as there <br /> 41 are a lot of other things that happen behind the scenes. <br /> 42 Chair Rich said Community Home Trust (CHT) is changing the way it handles its <br /> 43 business, and CHT requested that the person who comes from the elected board should <br /> 44 serve a three-year term, because one is not effective until then. She said there will also be <br /> 45 limitations of two three-year terms, regardless if you are an elected official. She said she is <br /> 46 not certain if CHT wants Commissioner McKee to come back; but CHT is changing up their <br /> 47 policies to address an issue. <br /> 48 Commissioner Dorosin said that approach is inconsistent with BOCC policies. He <br /> 49 said BOCC policies should be dictated by what other agencies want. He said, in the time <br /> 50 he has served on the intergovernmental boards, he has found it discouraging that other <br /> 51 counties keep the same members on the board forever, as this makes the board less <br />
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