Agenda 11-07-19 Item 6-c - Application Modifications for Volunteer Advisory Boards and Commissions
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-07-19 Regular Meeting
Agenda 11-07-19 Item 6-c - Application Modifications for Volunteer Advisory Boards and Commissions
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10/31/2019 4:35:12 PM
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10/31/2019 4:37:49 PM
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Agenda 11-07-2019 Regular Board Meeting
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3 <br /> Attachment 1 <br /> Excerpt from BOCC Draft Work Session Minutes from 10/3/19 <br /> The Board met to discuss: <br /> 1) reserving County Advisory Board and Commission seats to ensure racial and ethnic <br /> representation; and <br /> 2) the addition of an "Age" item on Advisory Boards and Commissions Volunteer Application <br /> Forms. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said there might be legal issues for saving seats. <br /> John Roberts said that looks like a quota, but it is legal to target recruitment efforts to increase <br /> membership based on race; to have diversity on the boards. If the goal is to set aside one or two <br /> seats, I would not recommend this. But a goal of targeting recruitment efforts towards achieving <br /> diversity works. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said what we can do in recruitment is to have a statement that says we <br /> want to have a diverse population, and ask a question such as how will your participation on this <br /> board affect this ethnicity or diversity of the county. This gets buy-in for being on the board. It's one <br /> of our social justice values and establishes expectations. They can tell us how their addition will <br /> help us to achieve diverse representation on the boards. <br /> Chair Rich said that the application form is 8 pages long. You're turning people off by completing a <br /> long application. There is also a problem with putting this type of information in the database. <br /> David Hunt said that some of it is disclaimers for certain boards, and instructs what they have to <br /> agree to serve on the board. We ask a lot of questions, and they're not consistent among all <br /> boards. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said we should set up a subcommittee to review the entire process. Yes, it's <br /> important to apply, but we don't need to have experts. I would volunteer to be on a subcommittee. <br /> Most of our boards are full. I don't think there a problem. <br /> David Hunt said part of the hypothesis is that, the more complex the form, people may be <br /> discouraged to complete an application, and don't want to participate. <br /> Commissioner Price said the reason I raised this issue is not with filling out the application. The <br /> issue is increasing diversity, and we have been poor at doing this. The boards have asked to wait <br /> to get a certain type of person. For the planning board, we had an opportunity to add diversity, but <br /> the board was primarily white. The people who have applied aren't able to get on a board when <br /> they want to, because they might not be seen as having the right qualifications. <br /> Commissioner Rich said I don't believe this is true anymore. I remember trying to get a person of <br /> color on the board. <br /> Commissioner Price said I've dealt with that, but it hasn't worked. <br /> Chair Rich said in general, I believe our boards are trying. We get a certain group of people that <br /> are abused by serving on too many boards. We need to attract more people. <br /> Commissioner Price said I'm talking about what we do. We continue to put the same people on the <br /> board. We're failing on being intentional. <br /> Chair Rich said I don't think we're picking people because of being friends on the board. <br /> Chair Rich asked if we create subcommittee, would it be a long process? <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said that a 8 page form is discouraging people from applying. It's daunting. <br /> We need to be conscious of adding more requirements. We either need to jettison some of it, or do <br /> something else. My belief is to jettison it. If you're interested, you should be able to apply. Have <br /> some question to address diversity to the board. We need to have some questions, but many of the <br /> recommendations come from the boards. I think there needs to be training or outreach to attract <br /> them. Ask them why wasn't there diversity in your recommendations? We're not doing targeted <br /> outreach. There are more components than what our board decides. We want to be supportive of <br /> the boards. If they've vetted them, we lean on that. This is our goal; our value. How do we get a <br /> more diverse applicant pool? Often we don't get diverse pools. All we may know is their race, but it <br />
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