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21 28 <br /> Comment: The chair may make motions,or the chair may in- <br /> vite another member to make a motion by saying"The chair <br /> will entertain a motion that..." <br /> Rule 14. Second Required. A motion shall require a second, <br /> followed by discussion and/or comments and a vote. <br /> Comment:The philosophy underlying the requirement of a sec- <br /> ond is that if a proposal is not supported by at least two mem- <br /> bers,it is not worth the time it would take to consider the mat- <br /> ter.A second does not necessarily mean that a member agrees <br /> with the motion,but that the member wishes the matter open to <br /> discussion.A second allows the matter to be discussed further. <br /> Rule 15. One Motion at a Time. A member may make only <br /> one motion at a time. <br /> Rule 16. Substantive Motion. A substantive motion is out of <br /> order while another substantive motion is pending. <br /> Comment: This rule sets forth the basic principle of parlia- <br /> mentary procedure: distinct issues are considered and dealt <br /> with one at a time, so a new proposal may not be put forth <br /> until action on the preceding one has been concluded. <br /> Robert's Rules of Order does not refer to substantive motions <br /> as such; instead it uses such adjectives as "main" or "princi- <br /> pal."Here,a substantive motion is any motion other than the <br /> procedural motions listed in Rule 19. The possible subject <br /> matter of a substantive motion coexists with the board's legal <br /> powers,duties,and responsibilities. Indeed,since Rule 13 pro- <br /> vides that the board shall proceed by motion,the substantive <br /> motion is the board's exclusive mode of action.The procedural <br /> motions detailed in the following rules set forth the board's <br /> various options in disposing of substantive motions. <br /> Rule 17. Adoption by Majority Vote. A motion shall be <br /> adopted if approved by a majority of the votes cast, a quorum <br /> being present, unless an extraordinary majority is required by <br /> these rules or the laws of North Carolina. A majority is more <br /> than half. A quorum is a majority of the actual membership of <br /> the board, including any vacant seats. A member who has with- <br /> drawn from a meeting without being excused by majority vote <br /> of the remaining members present shall be counted as present <br /> for purposes of determining whether or not a quorum is present. <br />