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8 <br /> 1 diversity on the boards. He said he would not recommend setting aside one or two seats, <br /> 2 but having a goal of diversity and targeting recruitment efforts towards achieving diversity is <br /> 3 perfectly legal. <br /> 4 Commissioner Dorosin said the Board could include a statement, in the recruitment <br /> 5 process, which says Orange County believes in insuring diverse representation, and <br /> 6 hearing from a range of voices a diverse population, and ask how the applicant's <br /> 7 appointment to the board would contribute to achieving this diversity. He said this would <br /> 8 allow the applicants to describe it themselves, and gets buy-in for being on the board. He <br /> 9 said the desire for diverse representation is one of the Board's social justice values and, <br /> 10 stating it as such, helps to establish expectations. <br /> 11 Chair Rich said the application form is 8 pages long, which can turn deter people <br /> 12 from applying. She said there is also a problem with putting this type of information in the <br /> 13 in-house database. <br /> 14 David Hunt said some of the current application is disclaimers for certain boards, <br /> 15 and instructs an applicant what they must agree to to serve on the board. He said a lot of <br /> 16 questions are asked, and there is not consistency among all boards. <br /> 17 Commissioner Dorosin suggested setting up a subcommittee to review the entire <br /> 18 process. He said it is important to apply, but applicants do not need to be experts. He said <br /> 19 he would volunteer to be on the subcommittee. He said most of the boards are full, so <br /> 20 maybe the application is not a deterrent. <br /> 21 David Hunt said part of the hypothesis is that, the more complex the form, the less <br /> 22 people want to complete it. <br /> 23 Commissioner Price said she originally raised this agenda item, and her concern is <br /> 24 not with the length of the application. She said the issue is increasing diversity, and the <br /> 25 Board has done a poor job at this. She said some boards have asked the BOCC to wait to <br /> 26 get a certain type of person, which is fine. She said recently, the BOCC had an opportunity <br /> 27 to add diversity, but the board was primarily white. She said the people who have applied <br /> 28 are not able to get on a board when they want to, because they might not be seen as <br /> 29 having the right qualifications. <br /> 30 Commissioner Rich said she does not believe this to be true anymore. She said the <br /> 31 BOCC voted to put 3 people of color on the Visitor's Bureau Board. She said efforts are <br /> 32 being made. <br /> 33 Commissioner Price said she has tried to get people of color onto boards, and the <br /> 34 BOCC has voted against it. <br /> 35 Chair Rich said in general boards are trying. She said there is a certain group of <br /> 36 people that are abused by serving on too many boards, and a diversity of people needs to <br /> 37 be found. <br /> 38 Commissioner Price said she is concerned with the selection actions of the BOCC, <br /> 39 and when opportunities arise to put people of color on a board, the BOCC is failing to be <br /> 40 intentional. <br /> 41 Chair Rich said the BOCC is not picking applicants because of being personal <br /> 42 friends with them. She said that is not a good statement to put out there. <br /> 43 Commissioner Price said sometimes people are appointed because a Commissioner <br /> 44 knows them. <br /> 45 Chair Rich said one can know an applicant for many reasons, and not necessarily <br /> 46 be friends with them. She asked if creating a subcommittee would be a long process. <br /> 47 Commissioner Dorosin said that an 8-page form is discouraging people from <br /> 48 applying, as it is daunting. He said the Board should be conscious of adding more <br /> 49 requirements. He said the Board either needs to jettison some of it, or do something else; <br /> 50 and he believes it is best to jettison some of these additional requirements. He said if one is <br /> 51 interested, one should be able to apply. He said it is important to have some questions to <br />