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3 <br /> 1 allow public comment prior to a vote. He said public comment can also be made even <br /> 2 when an item is not on the agenda. He said this situation involved a deliberate <br /> 3 misinformation campaign, and the Board should write something to provide a consistent, <br /> 4 clear explanation. He said the agenda abstract used to indicate if an item was public or not. <br /> 5 He said this did help to bolster what the Board is trying to do. He said if there is nothing <br /> 6 specific in the Procedures, the Board should set the expectations and manage them. He <br /> 7 said he values work sessions to brainstorm and share ideas; and there are not many of <br /> 8 them, and offering an hour of time for public comment takes away from the discussion time. <br /> 9 Chair Rich asked if this feedback makes sense to staff. <br /> 10 John Roberts said yes, and staff can put this in place if the Board so chooses. <br /> 11 Commissioner Marcoplos said it is important to make sure the work sessions are <br /> 12 defined, and the discussions that occur allow the Board to be ready to create items that can <br /> 13 be presented to the public. He said the public has many opportunities to talk, and this is <br /> 14 just a solution without a problem. <br /> 15 Chair Rich said she feels that while it is important to just be able to talk, allowing <br /> 16 Public Comment at that previous work session would not have been helpful. She agreed it <br /> 17 is important to manage expectations. <br /> 18 Commissioner Marcoplos said misinformation is a problem, and allowing people to <br /> 19 beat the drum on their favorite issue just creates a game. <br /> 20 Commissioner Bedford said she does not want to pick and choose issues to allow <br /> 21 public comment. She asked if the Board ever changes the amount of time people can <br /> 22 speak, to allow more people to talk. <br /> 23 Chair Rich said the Board has tried this, but the Board settled on three minutes per <br /> 24 person, and 1 hour in total. She said if there were more people to speak, the Board has <br /> 25 traditionally voted to extend the comments to over an hour, for that particular meeting. <br /> 26 Chair Rich said it should be done consistently, and the Board should not pick and <br /> 27 choose hot button issues. <br /> 28 John Roberts said the Procedures say the Board can suspend the rules, but he likes <br /> 29 Commissioner Dorosin's idea of not extending public comment to work sessions. <br /> 30 Commissioner Marcoplos said work sessions are essential, and should not cater to <br /> 31 a certain desire. <br /> 32 Commissioner Dorosin said a work session should be defined in writing, and it made <br /> 33 clear that public comment is offered only at regular meetings. He said this paragraph <br /> 34 should be put at the top of the work session agenda, along with the date for the next <br /> 35 opportunity for public comment. He said the Board should not get hung up on what people <br /> 36 want to talk about, as the Board offers more opportunities for public comment than other <br /> 37 counties in the state. He said people have the chance to talk with the Board, and the Board <br /> 38 wants to hear what the public has to say; but work sessions are intended for a different <br /> 39 purpose. <br /> 40 Commissioner Marcoplos said work sessions are not private, and the public can <br /> 41 attend and listen. <br /> 42 Commissioner Price said the booklet already says that, and asked if the Board can <br /> 43 add an explanation that the Board does not conduct regular business at work sessions. <br /> 44 Commissioner Bedford said she has received requests to provide childcare at <br /> 45 meetings to allow better access. She said currently comments can be made about items <br /> 46 not on the agenda at the beginning of a regular meeting, but one must wait until later to <br /> 47 comment on items that are on the agenda. She said maybe the Board should also allow for <br /> 48 comment on items on the agenda at the beginning, so that parents with young children can <br /> 49 go home and get them to bed. <br /> 50 Chair Rich said the Board tries to be flexible if someone mentions they have <br /> 51 concerns with the agenda and timing. <br />