Orange County NC Website
13 <br /> IMPACT-Generator Project <br /> •Tow •Pmr t mN hd➢ •[FwaAhu[g a <br /> $414,217'00 M conl,nuM1y ccchpn dM <br /> •FEMA d UNC Chapel •[n,�Wn o[ <br /> Ni!s a6a1y m . <br /> $310,882.75 mi»ain e d eaexw <br /> •state emergenry puipmm[ <br /> $103,554.25 cu�inn fowl IC eaerelxrm <br /> •UNCto cover c Pus 8[ala,an6 Loral <br /> any a6dieonal ownmumq ermrwrK.Mel <br /> COSTS. n 14dv negulalwn*,. <br /> sh.eenes.sun. <br /> a�v.erer: <br /> CONCLUSION:Manager Recommendations <br /> Approve designating the Countys agents <br /> Approve the submission of the Hazard Miligation <br /> Grant Project application to North Carolina <br /> Emergency Management for submission to <br /> FEMA and authorize the manager to execute <br /> and sign all necessary documents in support of <br /> This grant. <br /> QuestionslComments <br /> <br /> RSaurM r�Grbulruuli[Ni[wv <br /> rrharwr:�Orarger,.-,Unittc. <br /> 3 <br /> 4 <br /> 5 Kirby Saunders said this process of mitigation is in the Eno-Haw mitigation plan <br /> 6 approved by the Board of County Commissioners in 2015. He said staff is in the process of <br /> 7 updating the plan, which is required every 5 years, and is working with Triangle J and <br /> 8 encouraging the public to participate in a survey, which is available through the end of the <br /> 9 month. He said Emergency Services plans to come back to the Board by June 2020 with the <br /> 10 updated plan. <br /> 11 Commissioner Greene asked if there is a reason why UNC does not submit directly for <br /> 12 the grant. <br /> 13 Kirby Saunders said the campus' community does not have an active mitigation plan, <br /> 14 which is required to apply for these funds, so the only option is to apply through the County. He <br /> 15 said the University chose not to be a part of the County's mitigation plan at the time it was <br /> 16 created because it was creating its own; however, this has not yet come to fruition, so they only <br /> 17 have the option to be a sub-applicant. <br /> 18 Commissioner Price referred to the Brandywine Road home, and asked if this is the only <br /> 19 one included in the application, or if there are other possible applicants. <br /> 20 Kirby Saunders said this is the only property for which help was requested under <br /> 21 Hurricane Florence, and floodplain staff is reviewing others that may potentially be impacted in <br /> 22 future situations. He said a challenge in this community is that the FEMA federal cap on <br /> 23 property acquisitions is $276,000, and it is difficult to meet this as most property in the area is <br /> 24 valued higher. <br /> 25 Commissioner Price asked if the family has been relocated. <br /> 26 Kirby Saunders said not yet, as the funds have not been acquired, but the grant funds do <br /> 27 allow relocation assistance for up to a year. <br /> 28 Commissioner Price said the family is awaiting the funds, while living in a bad situation. <br />