Orange County NC Website
10 <br /> 1 Thom Freeman-Stuart said he is willing to speak to groups around the community <br /> 2 about serving on boards to drum up greater interest. He asked if the BOCC would let him <br /> 3 know which groups to contact. <br /> 4 Commissioner Price said she has information about two upcoming meetings. <br /> 5 Chair Rich said the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People <br /> 6 (NAACP) meets on Saturdays. <br /> 7 Commissioner Price said she would get Thom Freeman-Stuart connected there. <br /> 8 Commissioner Dorosin said all of the Commissioners should consider taking some <br /> 9 responsibility on recruitment. He said everyone has access to different groups, and it is a <br /> 10 recruitment issue. <br /> 11 Commissioner Bedford said perhaps this issue can be advertised at the radio <br /> 12 summit. <br /> 13 The Board agreed by consensus that this was an excellent idea. <br /> 14 Chair Rich asked if the BOCC wants to discuss applicants at work sessions. <br /> 15 Commissioner Dorosin said this topic needs more discussion, and he is not sure the <br /> 16 best way to do it. <br /> 17 Commissioner Price said she would like to try it and see what works. <br /> 18 Commissioner Marcoplos said at the last meeting the BOCC spent a lot of time on a <br /> 19 lot of applicants. He said he never really understood the thought process of his fellow <br /> 20 Commissioners, and wonders how to balance the desire for racial diversity with <br /> 21 compellingly competent applicants. He said he would like to have the chance to hear how <br /> 22 Commissioners reached their decision to recommend one applicant over another. <br /> 23 Commissioner Dorosin said it is good to spread them out over the meetings. <br /> 24 Thom Freeman-Stuart said there are 8 advisory board appointments coming up for <br /> 25 the 10/15 meeting. He asked if these should be moved to the November work session. <br /> 26 Greg Wilder said that the Board can push the appointments to the November work <br /> 27 session, but that moves the appointments to December. He said perhaps more <br /> 28 appointments could be grouped together at that time. <br /> 29 Commissioner Bedford said the Board should not delay any appointments to the <br /> 30 Nursing Home Advisory Board that have completed their first year, and should be <br /> 31 automatically appointed. She said the BOCC should be mindful of how quickly these <br /> 32 vacancies need to be filled. <br /> 33 Thom Freeman-Stuart said he can come to agenda review on Monday to consider <br /> 34 which appointments should be reviewed sooner rather than later. <br /> 35 The meeting concluded at 9:52 p.m. <br /> 36 <br /> 37 Penny Rich, Chair <br /> 38 <br /> 39 Sherri Ingersoll <br /> 40 Deputy Clerk <br />