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• Enforcement of the County's May 1993 Solid Waste Ordinance and investigation of <br />citizen complaints arising there from. <br />• Public education and assistance on solid waste/recycling/reuse matters. <br />The objective of the study of the organization of the solid waste function would be to <br />inventory the current functions and assess any desirable realignment of functions among <br />Solid Waste and Public Works to best accomplish the County's solid waste objectives. <br />3. Services to the Elderly <br />As noted in the County's Master Aging Plan, the County's elderly population is increasing at <br />an estimated rate of 132 percent over the next 20 years. Within this population, the oldest- <br />old, those individuals 85 and older, will see the greatest growth rate and require the most <br />intensive services. <br />At present the County's services to the elderly are three County departments: <br />Aging, Social Services and Health. Among these departments, there presently exists <br />overlap and some fragmentation in services such as in Information and Referral (Aging and <br />Social Services), In-Home Aides (Aging and Social Services), Community Alternative <br />Program (CAP) for disabled adults (Aging and Social Services), Adult Day Care (Aging and <br />Social Services, and Health Promotion (Aging and Health). <br />Given the needs and environment, the study would address how the County might best <br />position the organization and services to effectively address the current and significant <br />challenges ahead to serve this population. <br />4. Transportation <br />The Department on Aging's Transportation Division provides transportation service to the <br />general public and the clients of community service agencies, primarily in the County's rural <br />areas. The Master Aging Plan presented in September recommends that the County <br />investigate the feasibility of dividing the responsibilities for Transportation and the <br />Department on Aging into two separate entities. The stated objective of the Master Aging <br />Plan recommendation is to "...improve the efficiency and effectiveness of Orange County's <br />administration and funding of aging services now and in the future." This ties in with the <br />environmental factor noted in Item 3 above of the increasing County population of alder <br />adults and thei"r service needs. <br />In addition to the transportation service function, the County has transportation planning <br />functions located in the Planning Department and also those that occur in relation to regional <br />planning. <br />If the transportation function is to be separated from Aging, then a related question is <br />whether it should be established as a separate department or aligned in some other way <br />within the County organization. <br />In the Master Aging Plan, the recommendations Hate that the State Department of <br />Transportation consultant will be updating the Transportation Development Plan for FY <br />2000-04. Perhaps that study could be broadened to examine these organizational questions <br />