Agenda - 04-11-2001-jpa
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-11-2001
Agenda - 04-11-2001-jpa
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8/29/2008 3:56:18 PM
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8/29/2008 10:30:33 AM
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Minutes - 04-11-2001
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8 <br />Staff Comment: The proposed amendments to the land use designations in the Chapel Hill <br />Joint Planning Transition Area. (Northwest Area) do not impact areas "outside of the Towns and <br />the adjacent transition areas, "nor do the amendments impact rural lands between the Chapel <br />Hill/Carrboro urban area and Hillsborough (rural -buffer). Within the northern portion of the <br />transition area, the proposed amendments generally change the land uses to less intensive uses <br />that transition well into the rural areas just outside of the Transition Area. For example, the <br />proposed amendments for the area between Hillhouse Road and I-40 north of Eubanks Road <br />beyond the creek would change the land use designation from Mixed Use (Ojj~ce/Commercial <br />Emphasis) to a combination of Rural Residential to the north and Parks/Open. Space to the <br />west. <br />Urban Form <br />Principle: A compact form of development should be achieved avoiding urban sprawl. The <br />urbanizing areas of the Towns are the major growth centers in the Township. The "infill" of <br />existing urban areas is the guiding principle upon which the Chapel Hill Township Plan is based. <br />"Infill" development of suitable vacant land within the Towns at existing or projected densities, <br />as set forth in the Towns' 1977 Land Use Plans should be encouraged. <br />Staff Comment: The proposed amendments are for the area in the Chapel Hill Joint Planning <br />Transition Area (Northwest Area). As previously noted, the Joint Planning Land Use Plan <br />defines transition areas as those areas that "are in the process of changing from rural to urban <br />uses ar are already urban in use; are developed at ar suitable for urban-type densities; and are <br />now provided or are projected to be provided with urban services. " The area covered by the <br />proposed amendments is also within the Town's Urban Services Area, as defned in the 1986 <br />Land Use Plan and the 1989 Comprehensive Plan. The Urban Services Area is the Town of <br />Chapel Hill's long range planning area that is expected to have urban development, served by <br />public water and sewer facilities. Development within the Chapel Hill Joint Planning Transition <br />Area would be "infill" development. <br />Utility'Extensions <br />Principle: The timimg of utility extensions and the- pace of growth should be coordinated. <br />Water and sewer service should not be extended outside the boundaries of the Joint Planning <br />Area. <br />Staff Comment: The proposed amendments do not include plans to extend water and sewer <br />service outside the Joint Planning Area. <br />Allocation of Growth <br />Principle: Areas where public facilities and services aze available should be developed before <br />azeas where such services are not yet available. Ta the maximum extent feasible, no "spillover" <br />growth from the two Towns will occur in Chatham or Durham Counties or in Bingham <br />Township. ]:n other words, all "spillover" development will be absorbed within the boundaries of <br />6 <br />
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