Agenda - 06-07-2005-6a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-07-2005
Agenda - 06-07-2005-6a
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8/29/2008 4:13:02 PM
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8/29/2008 10:30:30 AM
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Minutes - 20050607
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1~ <br />2) In partnership with other agencies, recognize county businesses that offer family <br />friendly employment, such as <br />• Living Wage <br />• Ienefits <br />• Child Care <br />• Health and Wellness Programs <br />3) Promote these benefits and develop incentives for employers offering them <br />4) Perform inventory/survey of'existing Orange County jobs that pay the living wage <br />and determine training level needed to fill these jobs <br />D. Ensure county workers and those preparing for the workforce access to <br />transportation, child care, elder care, affordable 6oasing, and 8ealthcare <br />I) Improve access to affordable child care by: <br />• Encouraging employers to provide financial support for employees' day care <br />costs <br />• Working to ensure child care meets employer/employee needs <br />• Promoting adequate after school programs <br />• Ensuring an adequate supply of child care providers exist, particularly for <br />evening, weekend, and sick children <br />2) Improve access to affordable elder care by: <br />• Encouraging employers to provide financial support for employees' elder care <br />costs <br />• Working to ensure elder care meets employer/employee needs <br />• Promoting access to affordable elder day care <br />3) Provide diverse housing options for Orange County workforce, especially in areas <br />close to jobs and transportation <br />4) Encourage increased number of affordable housing units (for example, support <br />existing affordable housing providers, offer density bonuses, require affordable <br />housing in developments of a certain size, etc.) <br />5) Support transportation to major employers and training programs by <br />• Work with employers to ensure adequate affordable transportation to <br />employment centers <br />• Supporting transportation programs such as Wheels to Work <br />• Developing rural transportation linkages, including park and ride lots, in <br />conjunction with Infrastructure Work Group <br />E. Develop and nurture partnerships that support workers and their families at all <br />stages of their lives and provide opportunities for lifelong learning and retraining in <br />response to changing economic conditions <br />1) Encourage employers to <br />• Develop apprenticeships <br />• Develop on the job training programs <br />• Provide skills upgrading <br />• Provide educational assistance <br />• Offer flex-time and/or telecommuting <br />2) Increase availability of early childhood education, English as a Second Language, <br />vocational and avocational training, and continuing education opportunities <br />14 <br />
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