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DocuSign Envelope ID:63E81679-OC83-4B6C-B9E4-AFBB81985720 <br /> h. Third Party Loans. Within 30 days of receipt, the Subrecipient shall disclose to <br /> the Department any loans received from a local government entity or other <br /> entity not party to this agreement. <br /> L Audit Costs. Unless prohibited by law, the costs of audits made in accordance <br /> with Title 2 CFR 200, Subpart F "Audit Requirements" are allowable charges to <br /> State and Federal awards. The charges may be considered a direct cost or an <br /> allocated indirect cost, as determined in accordance with cost principles <br /> outlined in Title 2 CFR 200, Subpart E "Cost Principles." The cost of any audit <br /> not conducted in accordance with Title 2 CFR 200 and NCGS§ 159-34 is <br /> unallowable and shall not be charged to State or Federal grants. <br /> 9. Compliance with Laws and Regulations <br /> a. No terms herein shall be construed in a manner that conflicts with the rules and <br /> regulations of the Department or with state or federal law. <br /> b. The Subrecipient agrees to comply with all applicable state and federal laws <br /> and regulations, including titles 09 NCAC 3M and 19A NCAC 5B, as amended. <br /> 1O.Conflicts of Interest Policy <br /> The subrecipient agrees to file with the Department a copy of the subrecipient's policy <br /> addressing conflicts of interest that may arise involving the subrecipient's management <br /> employees and the members of its board of directors or other governing body. The <br /> subrecipient's policy shall address situations in which any of these individuals may directly <br /> or indirectly benefit, except as the subrecipient's employees or members of its board or <br /> other governing body, from the subrecipient's disbursing of State funds, and shall include <br /> actions to be taken by the subrecipient or the individual, or both, to avoid conflicts of <br /> interest and the appearance of impropriety. The conflicts of interest policy shall be filed <br /> with the Department prior to the Department disbursing funds to the subrecipient. <br /> Prohibition on Bonus or Commission Payments <br /> The Subrecipient affirms that it has not paid and will not pay any bonus or commission <br /> to any party to obtain approval of its Federal or State assistance application for the <br /> Project. <br /> 11.Tax Compliance Certification <br /> The Subrecipient shall complete and submit to the Department a sworn written <br /> statement pursuant to NCGS 143C-6-23(c), stating that the Subrecipient does not have <br /> any overdue tax debts, as defined by GS 105-243.1, at the Federal, State, or local level. <br /> The Subrecipient acknowledges that the written statement must be submitted to the <br /> NCDOT PTD Federal Agreement Page 8 of 23 <br /> Revised 12/28/2018 <br />