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<br />Brad Allison, Caldwell Fire Chief said there must be adequate certified personnel on <br />the roster to even keep the doors open. He said Orange County is in good shape, but it is <br />important to keep these folks, and not allow them to be fearful of the risks. He said it was not <br />a concern when he was young and got involved. <br />Pete Hallenback said the junior program is one of the most frustrating and rewarding. <br />He said it is hard to know exactly when the situation will become critical, but it is important for <br />the Council to watch this carefully. <br />Jeff Cabe said it is difficult to run everything, and his departments offer a wide variety <br />of response. He said it is really hard to get very qualified people to do all of the jobs. He said <br />there are some paid people, but the volunteers drop off. He said the minimums do not tell <br />the full story of the problem, and greater depth is needed on the bench. He said it takes <br />everyone in this room to make it happen, and to keep the community safe. <br />Commissioner Dorosin asked Chief Sullivan if this is one of his last meetings. <br />Matt Sullivan said this is his last meeting of this type, as he is retiring. <br />Commissioner Dorosin expressed gratitude to Chief Sullivan for all he has done for all <br />the community. <br />Chair Rich also thanked Chief Sullivan, noting he has had a long successful career, <br />and she is grateful for having worked with him. <br /> <br />The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. <br /> <br /> Penny Rich, Chair <br /> <br />Sherri Ingersoll <br />Deputy Clerk