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U1RI/ASA ORANGE WATER & SEWER ACITHORTI"Y 10 <br />Quality Service Since 1977 <br />Jordan Lake Water Supply Allocation <br />Discussion Paper <br />January 2001 <br />Purpose <br />This paper outlines a future role for Jordan Lake in OWASA's long-term water supply and <br />contingency plans. It has been developed in conjunction with OWASA's request to the North <br />Carolina Environmental Management Commission (EMC) to retain a portion of its Jordan Lake <br />allocation. <br />Background <br />OWASA has held an allocation of 10 percent of Jordan Lake's water supply storage capacity <br />since the EMC first issued allocations in 1988. The reservoir can supply an estimated average of <br />100 million gallons of water per day (MGD); therefore, OWASA's portion represents a yield of <br />about 10 MGD. (For semantic convenience, all subsequent references to "allocation" in this <br />paper are expressed in terms of yield or MGD, rather than as a percentage of water supply <br />storage capacity.) <br />The EMC issued a second round of allocations in 1995, a portion of which aze still undergoing <br />review for interbasin transfer issues. If all of the EMC staff recommendations are approved, a <br />total of 44 MGD of Jordan Lake's water .supply will have been allocated through the first and <br />second rounds. • <br />Mast recently, the EMC began a third cycle of allocations in response to the City of Durham's <br />needs, as well as those of other Triangle area and downstream Cape Feaz River communities. <br />Decisions will be based, in part, on water demand forecasts for the next 30 years. EMC guidance <br />and information requirements for this new round of applications are substantially more rigorous <br />than in previous cycles, reflecting a concerted effort to assure more consistent and credible <br />methods in the allocation requests. OWASA was required to submit a Round Three application <br />in order to retain all or a portion of the 10 MGD allocation held since 19$8. <br />A draft application was submitted to the NC Division of Water Resources on December 29, 2000 <br />to comply with the filing deadline. A formal deadline for final applications has not yet been set, <br />but these aze expected to be due sometime in April, 2001. The EMC is scheduled to issue new <br />Jordan Lake allocations by the end of December, 2001. <br />40D Janes Ferry Road Equal apporcunicy Employer Voice (919) 968-4421 <br />Ph Rox 366 Printed en Recycled Parer _ ~ •- ~^ FAX (919) 968-4464 <br />