Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:405B9DD2-9CEE-4D13-B934-841924A14A79 <br /> How will the In addition to the proposed project for expanded reach of the Studio <br /> project/program be Tour on NPR radio and Facebook, the OCAG Studio Tour brochure, <br /> publicized and which includes images of individual artist's works, is used to <br /> promoted to reach familiarize its diverse audience with the great variety of art found in <br /> intended Orange County. The brochure map guides them to individual open <br /> participants? studios. As in the past, along with mailing copies of the brochure to <br /> our mailing list, Guild members work together to distribute them in <br /> the Triangle and other key locations throughout the state. <br /> The Guild will also host an annual information/education booth at <br /> Festifall for over 15,000 attendees announcing the studio tour <br /> opportunity to attendees. <br /> A Guild website promotes members' artwork with contact information <br /> and an artist liaison to respond to queries about the OCAG and its <br /> artists. In addition, the Guild hosts an organizational Facebook page, <br /> Instagram and a blog publicizing members' events and recent <br /> artwork, videos about individual artists' artistic processes and <br /> inspiration, and a publicly accessible calendar of members' events. <br /> Banners are placed in strategic locations throughout the area prior to <br /> the tour and each studio tour participant is provided professional <br /> signs by OCAG to guide visitors to their studios. <br /> How will you Each year after the tour all participating artists are asked to fill out a <br /> evaluate the success survey. The 2019 survey results will be compared to those of <br /> of the program? previous years. Members provide feedback in this poll about the <br /> website, blog, social media, printed media, TV and radio as regards to <br /> the amount and effectiveness of advertising in each of these venues. <br /> The survey results are compared with tour artists' numbers of <br /> visitors and sales during the tour, total estimate number of visitors, <br /> how visitors learned about the tour, total number of sales and total <br /> dollars earned. <br /> After the campaign we will have a detailed breakdown of the reach on <br /> Facebook. Last year our Facebook promotions reached 58,172 arts <br /> interested individuals across the greater Triangle. Approximately 70% <br /> of those engaging with our ads were women. Ads were shown to all <br /> age groups over 18. For the first time this year our website will allow <br /> us to track all Facebook traffic. <br /> PROJ ECT/PROGRAM Please fill out the charts below with your project's expenses and <br /> BUDGET income. Use the "Explanation" box to offer details for each category. <br /> NOTE: The Total Cash Expense must equal the Total Cash Income. <br /> NOTE FOR Only requests for program/project funds need to submit a <br /> PANELISTS program/project budget. Requests for operating funds should be <br /> evaluated using the organization's financial docs submitted under <br /> "Organization Information." <br /> Project Expense <br /> infmio)no_AAAn_AA4r_.,nG7_AAQfAQG77..n4 —ice— <br />