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2 <br />Execu#ive Summary <br />Report of the Orange Coun#y Commissioners Affordable Housing Yask force <br />Apri12001 <br />in#roduc#ion <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners recently decided to refine its approach to <br />promoting decent and affordable housing. <br />On March 13, 2000 the Board of County Commissioners convened an Affordable <br />Housing Summit attended by more than 100 citizens, including elected officials and <br />housing providers, to discuss housing needs and to clarify the policies and strategies <br />that could be used to alleviate the identified housing needs. Following the Summit, the <br />Board formed the Commissioners Affordable Housing Task Force, under the leadership <br />of Commissioners Margaret Brown and Barry Jacobs. Specifically, the charge to the <br />group was "to investigate and analyze information and problems, and recommend <br />strategies and policies, to assist the county commissioners in formulating long-range <br />vision of decent and affordable housing in Orange County." <br />The Task Force began to meet in June 2000 and convened monthly thereafter through <br />February 2001. In addition, its four subcommittees (Inventory/Needs, Funding, Zoning <br />and ,Design, and Education) met at least monthly to gather and review pertinent <br />information in order to develop strategies and/or recommendations 'for action. The <br />results of the work of these subcommittees and the task force collectively are reported <br />on the following pages, each gathering and developing its assigned information and <br />recommendations for action. This material builds on previous local government and <br />private efforts to ensure that all families have affordable housing options, particularly <br />:those with limited incomes, the homeless and other special need populations. <br />The purpose of this Task Force Report is to accelerate and expand the development <br />and maintenance of affordable housing stock in Orange County. The report is intended <br />as a guide to countywide action with proposed housing targets, strategies, proposals <br />for new funding sources, as well as other policy and educational elements. Perhaps <br />the most critical recommendation is the establishment of an Affordable Housing <br />Advisory Board in the County to assist with implementation of the strategies contained <br />in this Report and advise the Board of Commissioners regarding other affordable <br />housing issues. Further, throughout this document are references to the need for the <br />County and Town leaders, University of North Carolina officials, the State Legislature, <br />non-profit and for-profit organizations, and interested citizens to become involved in <br />addressing the affordable housing needs of this community. <br />The highlighted findings, recommendations, and strategies provide a snapshot view of <br />the more detailed subcommittee reports contained in this report. <br />