Orange County NC Website
Z3 <br />To address the estimated $10:12 million in future park needs, the following <br />actions should be taken to use existing bond funds and address long-term needs. <br />1. The remaining $2.89 million in land acquisition fluids from the 1997 parks bond should be <br />used for acquisition of lands identified as sites for long-term parks use as soon as possible. <br />2. The balance of funding should be an estimated $8 million parks bond placed before the voters <br />in November 2000. As previously discussed, the specifics of this bond should be coordinated <br />by the Farks and Resource Lands Council. <br />Developing a program for identifying and acquiring long-term park sites at this <br />time will greatly reduce the cost of meeting long-term park needs. <br />a <br />23 <br />