Agenda - 03-29-2001-5
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 03-29-2001
Agenda - 03-29-2001-5
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8/29/2008 10:30:11 AM
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zo <br />Appendix B <br />Excerpts from the ]oint Master Recreation and Parks <br />Work Group report, May 1999 <br />C. Analyze Potential of Land for Greenways.and Rural Trail Links _ <br />Class 3 (Improved Woodland Trails) could be seen as a hybrid trail found in both urban <br />and rural areas, and as such could be used as an example of rural trail links that tie Borne <br />parks and open space to a regional trail system on a primary cornidor to be identified in <br />the future. Un this sense; Woodland Trails may constitute a third category of corridors and <br />trails. <br />~... There are sevPra.l criteria that could be used to evaluate land suitability for wildlife <br />corridors, woodland trails and greenways, in this setting. Examples might include: <br />Wildlife Corridor lvaluation Criteria <br />• Located along perennial streams, or ridges connecting watershed basins and their <br />perennial streams <br />• Located away from residential structures to preserve privacy <br />• Connects and includes identified natural areas and wildlife habitat and other areas of <br />public interest <br />• Privately held unless dedicated to public entity - no public access unless granted by <br />property owner/public entity <br />• No trails, except as existing from the movement ofwildlife/people <br />Woodland Trails oral Trail Evaluation Criteria <br />• Located along an identified primary corridor system <br />• Located away from natural areas and wildlife habitat, or in such fashion as to <br />minimize impact on these areas <br />• Links parks, urban greenways systems and existing open space areas such as Eno <br />River State Park <br />• Consistent with along-term regional trails system <br />• Located in areas with minimal strearnway and adjoining lands erosion potential <br />• Located away from residential structures to preserve privacy <br />• ~,ocated in areas where periodic access for emergency vehicles can be sited <br />Greenwav Evaluation Criteria <br />• Located along strearnway systems in urban or surrounding areas <br />• Co-located with existing easements (such as utility easements) <br />• Located as far as possible from residences to preserve privacy <br />• Located no closer than 25 feet to the stream bank <br />• Stream crossings should be avoided whenever possible and grade separated when <br />necessary <br />• Located to ensure that minimum disruption of the trail would result from repair or <br />replacement of utilities <br />• Lacated to connect existing neighborhoods, parks and services <br />20 <br />
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