Orange County NC Website
18 <br />Public Outreach <br />The County of Orange is fortunate to have a citizenry with a strong conservation <br />ethic. This offers opportunities for the Lands Legacy program to expand the <br />realm of partnerships beyond state, local government and land trusts. <br />Tn particular, the Lands Legacy program should: <br />• Continue to publicize the Lands Legacy program through brochures and <br />presentations <br />• Through neighborhood meetings, explore awareness and possible partnership <br />with citizen and neighborhood interest groups on critical resource land <br />acquisitions <br />- • ..Explore the possibility of providing a property tax check-off far Lands Legacy <br />--.- =. - Fund -.--: _... _ _ _. _. <br />• Develop a revolving fund for timber rights and/or conservation easement <br />acquisition that can be paid into by citizens and homeowners associations to <br />mitigate any impacts from managed forestry programs <br />• Explore the potential for a matching grant program for land acquisitions, <br />possibly from-a future (beyond X001) bond referendum <br />18 <br />