Orange County NC Website
iz <br />Primary Operatinc~_ Principles <br />As adopted in Lands legacy and other subsequent documents, the pursuit of <br />long-term priorities will be guided by several operating principles: <br />• Voluntary Participation. We would work only with willing sellers <br />• Public Outreach: We will continue to publish and distribute brochures on <br />tax benefits and other advantages tb donation and sale of land. <br />• Grants: We would continue to aggressively pursue grants at all levels <br />• Adopted Guidelines and Projects: Acquisitions would follow'adopted <br />guidelines and principles in the Lands Legacy program document <br />• Balance opportunities and threats: Some threats to resource lands are <br />known - at other times unforeseen opportunities arise. The program should <br />.- . ....retain flexibility and funding to address both types of needs <br />• Collaboration: We would continue our practice of collaboration with other <br />local governments, land trusts/associations, OWASA, Duke and L1NC. In <br />addition, the County might pursue assisting coalitions of interested citizen <br />and neighborhood groups that might share interest in land conservation <br />• Meeting Multiple Needs: We would continue to focus on opportunities that <br />meet multiple needs (natural areas that include riparian buffers, parklands <br />that include historic sites) to maximize available funding <br />• Multiple Methods: Types of protection tools would include fee-simple <br />purchase, conservation easements, timber rights purchase. Acquisitions may. <br />also be achieved in conjunction with the Planning Department through the <br />development process, where appropriate. <br />Goals Ob'ectives for 2002-2010 <br />As adopted, the Lands Legacy program has five types of resource land <br />acquisitions: <br />• Natural Areas and Wildlife Habitat <br />• Farmland Preservation <br />• Parklands and open Space <br />• Cultural and Archaeological Resources, and <br />• Watershed Riparian Buffers <br />For each of these areas, the following sub-sections identify longer-term priorities <br />culled from existing documents and advisory board recommendations: <br />12 <br />