Orange County NC Website
6 <br /> a. Compensation for Basic Services. Compensation for Basic Services shall include all <br /> compensation due the Provider from the County for all services under this Agreement. <br /> The maximum amount payable for Basic Services is Four Hundred Forty-Five Thousand <br /> Seven Hundred Forty-Eight Dollars ($445,748). In the event the amount stated on an <br /> invoice is disputed by the County, the County may withhold payment of all or a portion <br /> of the amount stated on an invoice until the parties resolve the dispute. Payment for <br /> Basic Services shall become due and payable in direct proportion to satisfactory services <br /> performed and work accomplished. Payments will be made as percentages of the whole <br /> as Project milestones as set out in Section 3(a)(ii) are achieved. (For example, if there <br /> are 10 Project Tasks with Milestone Dates then Provider may invoice for the first 10% <br /> of the whole upon County's acknowledgement of the satisfactory completion of Task one. <br /> Upon the County's acknowledgement that the second Task has been satisfactorily <br /> completed Provider may invoice for the next 10%of the whole.) <br /> b. Additional Services. County shall not be responsible for costs related to any services in <br /> addition to the Basic Services performed by Provider unless County requests such <br /> additional services in writing and such additional services are evidenced by a written <br /> amendment to this Agreement. <br /> 6. Responsibilities of the County <br /> a. Cooperation and Coordination. The County has designated (Carla Julian) to act as the <br /> County's representative with respect to the Project and shall have the authority to render <br /> decisions within guidelines established by the County Manager and/or the County Board <br /> of Commissioners and shall be available during working hours as often as may be <br /> reasonably required to render decisions and to furnish information. <br /> b. Equipment and Key Information Supplied by Orange County. LifeLine is dependent on <br /> Orange County to supply certain information regarding final floor plan approval, color <br /> choices, graphic design or approvals, and sometimes certain pieces of equipment which <br /> are listed in the Specifications as "by owner." Such information, or items, supplied by <br /> Orange County to LifeLine must be in LifeLine's possession prior to the beginning of <br /> construction of the Mobile Unit. Failure to supply timely approvals, or Orange County- <br /> supplied equipment in good working order, prior to actual construction will likely result <br /> in delay of production and delivery of the completed Mobile Unit. <br /> 7. Insurance <br /> a. General Requirements. Provider shall obtain, at its sole expense, Commercial General <br /> Liability Insurance, Automobile Insurance, Workers' Compensation Insurance, and any <br /> additional insurance as may be required by County's Risk Manager as such insurance <br /> requirements are described in the Orange County Risk Transfer Policy and Orange <br /> County Minimum Insurance Coverage Requirements (each document is incorporated <br /> herein by reference and may be viewed at <br /> division/contracts.php.) If <br /> County's Risk Manager determines additional insurance coverage is required such <br /> additional insurance shall consist of N/A (if no additional insurance required mark N/A <br /> as being not applicable). Provider shall not commence work until such insurance is in <br /> effect and certification thereof has been received by the County's Risk Manager. <br /> Revised 12/18 4 <br />