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17 <br /> LifeLineMobiW <br /> 14 ways to help out our planet <br /> LifeLine Mobile's health care outreach 8.) Our cooling system is designed to <br /> vehicles provide a solid ecological maximize air flow and cooling through a <br /> framework on which you can rely. single ducted system, so that only the cooling <br /> Here are a few units actually needed on a given day are <br /> examples.* used from a single system. The result is as <br /> much as 75 percent savings in air <br /> Z Z conditioning usage! <br /> Z <br /> 1.) Your engine burns 9.) Insulation inside a LifeLine Mobile <br /> 0 3 ultra-low sulfur diesel, unit is maximized so that you have R- <br /> ° Z which has dropped 21f in the walls, and R-30 in the <br /> particulate emissions ceiling. These levels are much <br /> from 500 parts per million better than most well-constructed <br /> (ppm)to less than 15 ppm. That's a buildings. <br /> whopping 97 percent lower emissions than just a <br /> few years ago! 10.) Flooring is re-cycled, and formaldehyde <br /> free. With the lowest VOC emissions, LifeLine <br /> 2.) The engine is capable of burning bio- flooring is far better than cheap carpet, <br /> diesel; a blend of 5-20 percent ethanol and linoleum, or vinyl. <br /> petroleum distillates that results in even <br /> lower emissions. �;�4 11.) LifeLine uses no wood in any structural way <br /> ,•` inside or outside. Thus,there's no risk of <br /> 3.) Air conditioning systems in the clinic formaldehyde fumes, nor any forest loss in the <br /> area, and in the driver cabin, are CFC-free, build out. <br /> meeting the most stringent environmental <br /> standards in the industry. 12.) Lighting in your LifeLine Mobile unit is <br /> either energy-saving fluorescent or <br /> 4.) Your LifeLine Mobile unit meets state and ultra-low energy LED lighting. No <br /> federal emissions requirements for all of the incandescent bulbs are used. <br /> U.S. and most countries in the world. Examination lighting is low- <br /> s.) The furnaces stem is energy efficient, voltage halogen for bright light <br /> Y gY at low energy consumption. <br /> using less than 500 watts of electricity. We <br /> employ leading edge technology from a fuel- .3.) All water flow is controlled so <br /> efficient burner that uses small amounts of -that usage is minimized consistent <br /> your engine's ultra-low emissions diesel fuel. with good sanitation practices. <br /> The system produces no smoke, no carbon build- For example, our on-board toilet <br /> up and no odors. uses only 20 ounces of water per flush. <br /> Compare to low-flow toilets in your home <br /> 6.) The heating system is zoned, so that only the that use about 200 ounces of water! <br /> rooms needing heat are heated. Savings in fuel <br /> and electricity can be as much as 66.7 percent! 14.) Graphics are printed with latex-based inks <br /> that contain no Hazardous Air Pollutants(HAPs). <br /> 7.) LifeLine designs and utilizes And our commercial-grade wide-format printers <br /> equipment and materials with a low- are ENERGY STAR®qualified with no need for <br /> electrical demand, allowing LifeLine to external dryers. Even our inks and cartridges <br /> use smaller, quieter, more fuel-efficient are fully recyclable consumables. <br /> generators. Optional hybrid generators are <br /> also available which respond to the demand <br /> inside the rear cabin to minimize fuel and <br /> power consumption. <br /> *Not all components are included in every vehicle. <br />