Orange County NC Website
4 <br /> Facility Accessibility and Security Improvements - Project# 30001 <br /> Revenues for this project: <br /> Current FY 2019-20 FY 2019-20 <br /> FY 2019-20 Amendment Revised <br /> Alternative Financing $790,050 $154,000 $944,050 <br /> From General Fund $274,000 ($154,000) $120,000 <br /> Total Project Funding $1,064,050 $0 $1,064,050 <br /> Appropriated for this project: <br /> Current FY 2019-20 FY 2019-20 <br /> FY 2019-20 Amendment Revised <br /> Equipment $55,000 $0 $55,000 <br /> Professional Services $38,750 $0 $38,750 <br /> Construction $970,300 $0 $970,300 <br /> Total Costs $1,064,050 $0 $1,064,050 <br /> SOCIAL JUSTICE IMPACT: There is no Orange County Social Justice Goal impact <br /> associated with this item. <br /> Health Department <br /> 6. The Orange County Health Department requests the following amendments: <br /> • Formerly Incarcerated Transitions (FIT) Program: The department identified <br /> $4,836 in revenue from a Duke Endowment grant given specifically for the FIT <br /> Program that remained unspent as of June 30, 2019. This amendment re- <br /> appropriates these monies from Fund Balance to be used in the current fiscal year <br /> for project support and department supplies. <br /> • United Way Grant — Family Success Alliance (FSA): Originally approved in <br /> Budget Amendment #1 on September 3, 2019, this amendment moves the grant <br /> from the General Fund for monitoring into the Multi-Year Grant Fund, and <br /> establishes the following Grant Project Ordinance: (See Attachment 1, column 5). <br /> (Note: Budget Amendment #1 also temporarily increased a current 0.50 FTE <br /> Navigator position to a 1.0 FTE position in the Family Success Alliance program <br /> for FY 2019-20. These funds will also be used to temporarily increase a 0.75 FTE <br /> Navigator position to a 1.0 FTE position for FY 2019-20). <br /> United Way Grant—FSA ($31,809) - Project# 71134 <br /> Revenues for this project: <br /> Current FY 2019-20 FY 2019-20 <br /> FY 2019-20 Amendment Revised <br /> United Way Grant Funds $0 $31,809 $31,809 <br /> Total Project Funding $0 $31,809 $31,809 <br /> Appropriated for this project: <br /> Current FY 2019-20 FY 2019-20 <br /> FY 2019-20 Amendment Revised <br /> United Way Grant $0 $31,809 $31,809 <br /> Total Costs $0 $31,809 $31,809 <br />