Orange County NC Website
03/26/2001 15:05 9196443002 OR. CTY. PLANNING PAGE 24 <br />Page z <br />March 7, 2001 <br />of the public water and sewer utilities and the 7.and use <br />planning efforts of. the local governments doing land use <br />,planning are not thwarted through demands by land owners and the <br />development .community that public water and sewer connections be <br />made contrary to the planned service area of the utilities. The <br />.easiest way to accomplish the linkage is for the Joint Planning <br />Agreement to be amended to include by reference the adopted <br />Water and Sewer Management; Planning and Boundary Agreement. <br />This Joint Planning Agreement amendment will require a joint <br />public hearing of grange County, Carrbaro and Chapel HiJ.I <br />y <br />_ .:<-~ -. _--.-:fo1:-l0 ' amendin the <br />Xon o n - Oar <br />,_- _.-m~.~_....._., WPlanningpAgreement "'-. ,~-...,each gov~rni grp g - .: :,...... <br />Joint This formalit a.nco orates the Water <br />and Sewer Management, Planning and Boundary Agreement into the <br />Joint Planning Agreement thus its provisions as land <br />use planning requirerulents that have the effect of law. <br />Sincerely, <br />Stephen H. Halkiotis <br />Chair, Orange County Soard of <br />Commissioners <br />5HH/GEG/lsg <br />Enclosure <br />leg:lettere\halkiotiachhi11e0WASAwatandseW.l~r <br />