Orange County NC Website
03/26/2001 15:05 9196443002 DR. CTY. PLANNING PAGE 21 <br />DRAFT <br />Maxch 7, 2001 <br />The Honorable Mike Nelson, <br />Mayor, Town of Carrboro and <br />Board of Aldermen <br />Town Ha~.l - <br />W. Main street^_~---:-:. ~.-..-:_.. _,,:._--,~----~-,<... <br />3~7: <br />Carrboro, North Carolina 27510 <br />Dear Mayor Nelson and Members of the Carrboro Board of Aldermen: <br />Enclosed is the water and Sewer Management, Planning and <br />Boundary Agreement for your further consideration. It has been <br />revised to incorporate recommendations of the governing boards <br />of the parties to the agreement. Please consa.der approving this <br />agreement at an appropriate opportunity. <br />You have asked the County to comment on the process for <br />linking the proposed Water and Sewer Boundary Agreement with the <br />Joint Planning Agreement. Linking the two agreements is part of <br />the overall stx'ategy to make sure that the local go~crernment <br />decisions about where publa.c water and sewer will be permitted <br />cannot be undone by third persons seeking connect~.on to public <br />water and sewer systems. This is the method used in other places <br />around the country to ensure that the utility planning efforts <br />of the public water and sewer utilities and the land use <br />planning efforts of the local governments doing land use <br />planning are not thwarted through demands by land owners and the <br />development community that public water and sewer connections be <br />made contrary to the planned serva.ce area of the utilities. The <br />easiest way to accomplish the linkage is for the Joint Planning <br />Agreement to be amended to include by reference the adopted <br />water and sewez Management, Planning and Boundary Agreement. <br />Thia Joint Planning Agreement amendment will require a joint <br />public hearing of Orange County, Carrboro and Chapel Hill <br />followed by separate action of each governing board amending the <br />Joint Planning Agreement. This formality incorporates the water <br />and Sewer Management, Planning and Boundary Agreement into the <br />