Orange County NC Website
03f26f2001 15:05 9196443002 OR. CTY. PLANNING PAGE 17 <br />REVISED <br />3/29/00 <br />document the emergency, steps being taken to <br />address the situation, and notify the managers of <br />the potential fox a longer period of the emergency <br />water transfer. <br />b. At 60 days, the service provider sending the water <br />shall notify its elected board (or, in the case of <br />OWASA, the member government elected boards) <br />on the status of the emergency and provide <br />opportunity for the boards to review and comment <br />on the .situation. The receiving provider shall <br />_ pr-ovi~:, ~imilax xnf~rxnation. <br />c. Between 60 days and 90 days from inception of <br />transffer, the elected boards which exercise <br />planning jurisdiction on either side of the boundary <br />in which the service is provided shall review and <br />approve or not approve the continuation of the <br />transfer beyond 90 days. If continuation of the <br />transfer is approved, it may continue for an <br />additiona190-day period. Approval shall be <br />required for each subsequent 90-day period, with a <br />maximum emergency water transfer duration of <br />365 days from inception. Lack of action by the <br />elected boards as provided in .this subsection <br />constitutes approval for the subsequent 90-day <br />period. <br />d. At the 30-day point, the service provider shall <br />determine that adequate water and other resources <br />and facility capacities are available to support the <br />extended emergency transfer without adversely <br />affecting the quality and quantity of water supply <br />and services to customers within its service area, <br />and without adversely affecting environmental <br />quality within its service area; <br />AIvU <br />1d <br />