Orange County NC Website
0312612001 15:65. 9196443002 OR. CTY. PLANNING PAGE 16 <br />REVISED <br />3/06/01 <br />Publicly-owned facilities other than a public school shall be <br />located in a manner that promotes the orderly provision of <br />water and sewer service. The preferred method of connection is . <br />to lines that already exist, or in a manner that would minimize <br />the need to extend existing lines. <br />F. Water and Se~cwex Service Into/Out of Orange County <br />__ _ . _ ~ _. and seu er service <br />n~,,,,,.o ~;;;,.,«., ~~?at~r.. :of ary o~the service <br />_ ~" A <br />providers. that are parties to this agreement shall not be <br />extended outside of the boundaries of Orange County without <br />the approval of the elected boards which exezcise planning <br />jurisdiction on either side of the County boundary. Any extension <br />of lines or service into Chatham County requires the appTOVaI of <br />_ Orange County, Chapel Hi11 or Caxrboro and OWA.S.A. 11ais <br />approval is not required when water and sewer service is required <br />as a condition of annexarion by the towns of .Chapel Hill or <br />Carrboro. <br /> <br />A. Emergency Water Transfers (This subsection shall not apply <br />to any system operated by a municipality) <br />Emergency water transfers are transfers that; <br />l . Are made for short-term duration. For the purpose of this <br />.Agreement, short-term duration shall be reviewed at 30 <br />days, 60 days and 90 days, with subsequent 90-day <br />• ~ intervals up to one year, as per the :Following process: <br />a. After 30 days durarion, a memo from the chief <br />administrative officials of the service providers <br />will be sent to the managers o£ the jurisdictions <br />that are parties to this Agreement. The memo shall <br />13 <br />