Orange County NC Website
• r <br /> <br />pretreatment of industrial wastewater, and (3) all <br />County (subdivision, xonir,g, erosion, building, <br />etc.) and State (DOT, etc.) permits having been <br />properly granted. Under no eircumatances will the <br />County penait the discharge of septic sewage in its <br />system. ~. <br />~:_,. - . -._-..._----- -... ---.-I ]C 1C. RATE--5CHEDULE AND ASirAILABZLITY-PEES <br />A. "Rate schedule - Rased upon monthly water' <br />consumption: See Attactuaant A. <br />e., Availability Fees: <br />--~•~ - Each person, firm, or corparati.on <br />coma®cti,ng to the system (herei.nafter user or users] other <br />than 'those initially Connected from among those initially <br />applying for cvnnectian, shall pay a 5600.00 per residential. <br />equivalent availability f ee to the County and a $400.00 <br />avai3,ab~3.lity fee . to the To+~n of Hillsborough. Availability <br />fees may change from time to time pursuant to duly 'enacted <br />reso~.utions of the County ar~d the Towa. • <br />Those users initially,, from, those initially <br />ra <br />3, <br />applying for connection, shall be exempt from the <br />availability £ee. The fnatial application period expired <br />February ~. ].985. The initial connection deadline will be <br />establ~,shed by resolution of the Hoard of Caunty <br />CommissioneXS. • <br />• C • Ac=sage Fee [Rasersred] . <br /> <br />2 <br />