Orange County NC Website
PAGE ~- <br />• ~ Adopted November 19, 158.5 , <br />. Amended March 1, 1968 <br />. ,Amended November LS, 1988 <br />NORTB CAROLINA ~ RESOLOTION ESTARLTSSING RULES <br />AND REGULATIONS FOR TF~E <br />•~ ~ OPERATION OF A SEwSR~COLLECTION ' <br />' TREATMENT SYSTEM. TD SERVE T13E <br />ORAi1GE COUNTY EFLAND AREA OF ORANGE COUNTY <br />8e it resolved by the Board of Comatiffision®rs of <br />• drange County Chat the ~'vllor~fag rules .and • 'regulations <br />(here~.nafter_ called the Rules) shal]. govern the operation of <br />.~.. . <br />the~Otange County Sewe= Collection and Treatment System' <br />searv~.n th ~ - - g®_ Count [hereinafter cawed ~ , <br />- ,.. ~ .:--_ --e - Ef land :a-re~ ~a~ , Dr~,n . <br />the System'. <br />I. CLASSiFICATSON OF SERVICE (Reserv®d. •There <br />sre pz'esently no separate elas8igi.catione of sew®r service.) <br />I~. riQASTEWATER TREATMENT LIMITATIONS <br />• Orango County hasp contracted with the Town of <br />Hi~.lsbo~ough which .contract provides that th® Town will treat <br />wastewat®r . generated by th® System sub j ecti to the follow~.'ng <br />conditions contained ~.n the agreement between th® County and <br />• Town: ' <br />No customer shall ba allowed to conneet~to the <br />• County system unless and until such customer's <br />a~ <br />s i <br />'' propos®d d$~scharge has bees found acceptable by <br />both the Town and . County. Approval sha].1 be <br />• predicated •on t1) the quality of the .effluent of <br />• ~ the potential user being compatible with the Town's <br />• NPDES discharge permit, (a) compliance with the <br />• ~ • ~ Town's ordir-arce, rules and regulations concerning <br />l <br />