Orange County NC Website
__. _ .. _ PAGE <br />.- ~ r <br /> <br />NORTH CAROLINA ~ ~ . <br />ORANGE COUNTY <br />ADDENDUM TO MARCx 24, 1988 SEWER BILLING AND <br />COLLECTING AGREEMENT • <br />IBIS ADDENDUM to the March 24, 1,988 Sewer Billing and Col- <br />lectirrg Agreement. between ORANGE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, <br />hereinafter referred to as County, sad OfiANGE-ALAMANCE WATER <br />..._.~._-_,-- -- -. _ SYSTEM, -INCr, hereinafter referred--t® as Co~-traotor,- entered into <br />• this 15th day of Z~ovember, 1988: <br />Paragraph 6 of the xarch 24th Agreement fs deleted in its <br />.:-~ _ entirety and replaoed by the following: <br />• 6. The Contractor shall collect a deposit for <br />each account established for. the System. Accounts <br />sha11 be established by the ~ontractox upon of <br />a copy of an approved application for sesvioe from the <br />• County and ..the receipt of the required deposit from the <br />custo~aer. The amount of the deposit shall be equal to - <br />_ twice the min~.mum charge for sewer service according to <br />. the rats schedule in-effect at the time application for <br />,.. <br />service is made. The deposit shall be paid efther in <br />ful•1 at the time an application for service is mad® or <br />in a maximum of three equal consecutive monthly <br />installments, the f first of wh~.ah must be paid when an <br />$pp3ication for service is made. The deposit shall be <br />• kept by the Contractor for the Gounty and applied <br /> <br />1 <br />