Orange County NC Website
<br /> refused to those participating in the unauthorized connection <br /> or its use. •• <br /> XxII. COMPLAINTS - ADJ'~1STi~ENTS <br />• ~ A. If a user,believes• any statement of <br /> charges to be" in error, the user tray present a~ claim in <br />1mea$®d <br />31z/a8 'person to the billing .and coll~:otivn agent of the County <br />. ~ before the statement becomes delinquent. Any such claim•made <br />- -~'- <br />., - .•_ .. <br />aft®r the statement h~~-~"~ieootae' "de~linque.nt °will not be <br />. effective in preventing discontinuation of servia~ as <br /> 'provided in these rules and r®gulations. .The user may pay • <br /> such statement under protest and the payment wa.l~, not <br /> Adjustragnt <br />prejudice the claim fin case an error is found. <br />. .,~, „ , <br />. mill thereafter be made Far any such error. ~ . <br /> e. Re9uest for s~peoial meter 'read~.ngs or <br /> tests will be governed by the rules and. regulations <br /> established for that purpose by Orange County and its agents. <br /> ' XIV. RETi]RN CSEC& FEE <br /> EaC~h Cheek ~ for payment ~.s •aCC®pted~ aubject to ~.- <br />. collection. The~norm$1 of the County's billing and <br />Amend$d collection ag®nt regarding ~ceturned checks shall be fo~.xov~d. <br />~r <br />3I1I8~ ~ <br /> provided they do not exceed those . <br />A11 fees cvllected, <br /> permitte9 b~ law, shall be the prop®rty of the county's <br /> .billing acid CO11®Ct~-oA ag~ant. ' <br />' XV. A.BRTDGEMENT OR MODTFxCATION OF RULES <br /> A. .No promise, agreement or representation <br /> <br />~ of any ®mployee of Orange County will be binding upon the . <br />~ . a3 <br />